- Friday, December 22, 2023

Since the United Nations is anti-American to its rotten core, wouldn’t it be happier somewhere else? The war in Gaza is the perfect opportunity to relocate the world body to a more congenial clime.

Of course, the ideologues masquerading as diplomats will miss the five-star restaurants and high-class hookers they enjoy in Manhattan.

But real estate in Gaza City is dirt cheap, thanks to urban renewal by the Israel Defense Forces. And it would give the U.N. an opportunity to truly express solidarity with its favorite victims. It’s practically part of Hamas as it is.

Don’t misunderstand me. As a connoisseur of hypocrisy, I appreciate the hollow chest-beating that goes on at the whorehouse on the East River.

Where else can we be lectured about human rights by people who treat women as property, on tolerance by states that make antisemitism their official policy, on climate change by nations that make a killing from fossil fuels and on peace by states that subsidize international terrorism?

In the heady days following World War II, America made the tragic mistake of taking the lead in organizing the United Nations. One of the U.N.’s first acts was to approve a partition plan for Palestine, then a British Mandate, which led to the creation of the state of Israel. Now, it is dedicated to the annihilation of Israel.

When the U.N. was established, a majority of its members were Western democracies. Today, the General Assembly is dominated by totalitarian states, theocracies and nations on the brink of extinction due to dramatically declining fertility.

The U.N. has a history of antisemitism stretching back decades. Half of all resolutions passed by the Human Rights Commission target Israel.

While assuring us that gang rape, genital mutilation and baking babies alive are not cool, Secretary-General Antonio Guterres insisted that the Oct. 7 atrocities “did not happen in a vacuum.” In other words, how dare Israel fight for its survival.

The U.N. General Assembly, Security Council and Human Rights Commission all refused to condemn the Hamas horrors. But within hours of the beginning of the ground offensive in Gaza, the United Nations called for an immediate cease-fire, which would give Hamas a chance to regroup and continue its war of extermination later.

The U.N. Relief and Works Agency has 13,000 employees in Gaza, almost half its worldwide total. It doesn’t screen applicants for ties to terrorist groups. Its textbooks used in Palestinian schools celebrate jihad. Its facilities often double as Hamas supply depots.

After Israel’s 1982 withdrawal from Lebanon, U.N. peacekeepers were supposed to disarm Hezbollah and maintain a security zone on the border with Israel. That worked about as well as President Biden on a NordicTrack. Hamas’ allies are estimated to have 150,000 to 200,000 rockets. It draws on that arsenal daily to bombard Israel.

Hatred of Israel is only one aspect of the U.N.’s anti-Western agenda.

The World Health Organization covered up for Beijing at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Food and Agriculture Organization wants U.N. member states to use subsidies to reduce meat consumption. Perhaps, one day, while U.N. diplomats dine on filet mignon, the rest of us will get to chow down on processed insects.

The recent U.N. Climate Change Conference was a call to looting. The climate czars want rich nations to provide $100 billion to help developing nations convert to green energy. China — the world’s biggest polluter — will be treated as a developing nation here.

The United Nations leads the charge for Marxism worldwide, whether it’s international income redistribution, forcing the West to open its doors to hordes of Third World mendicants or preparing to grab power during the next pandemic.

And we get to pay for it. In 2021, our contribution to the U.N.’s budget was $12.5 billion. Lenin predicted that capitalists would finance their own destruction.

Almost 80 years ago, the United Nations was established to, in the words of its charter, “maintain international peace and security, give humanitarian assistance to those in need, protect human rights, and uphold international law.”

Since then, says Clifford D. May of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, the U.N. has become “the handmaiden of Islamic supremacists, Chinese communists, Russian imperialists and Palestinian terrorists.”

Get the United Nations out of the U.S. and the U.S. out of the U.N. Gaza beckons.

And as the globalist hucksters sail off into the sunset, patriots will be on the dock to wish them bon voyage.

• Don Feder is a columnist with The Washington Times.

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