- Thursday, December 21, 2023

Former Attorney General Eric Holder and other Democrats insist that Hunter Biden is facing federal prosecution for income tax fraud only because of politics. Specifically, Mr. Holder says that Hunter is being targeted because he is the president’s son.

They say that when an ordinary guy cheats on his taxes to the tune of $1.4 million, he would face no such charges by the federal government for such an oversight.

I’m guessing there are a lot of people in federal prison scratching their heads over how they managed to get prosecuted for tax fraud when, according to Mr. Holder, that’s not how it works. 

As a former career prosecutor, I find this a little hard to believe myself.

But if, by some twist of fate, it is true that $1.4 million worth of tax evasion and other federal charges will not get you prosecuted by the federal government, then I suppose nothing will.

This revelation is good news for Americans, because if the federal government is not customarily prosecuting tax cheats, that means there is no need for 87,000 more IRS agents to investigate potential tax cheats. That’s good to know. 

President Biden can now take those unnecessary IRS agents that are already budgeted, turn them into border and immigration agents, and assign them to track down, apprehend and deport the millions of people who have entered this country illegally through the door left open by the Biden administration.

Mr. Biden is not going to assign anyone to do anything at the border or round up any illegals, with the possible exception of those that might find their way to Delaware.

With our country facing insurmountable annual deficits and a Congress unable to pass meaningful budget cuts, it would make sense to collect millions of dollars in unpaid taxes from a number of individuals, let alone one individual — even if it is the president’s son.

What a concept: Hold those who break the law accountable!

Contrary to the opinions of Mr. Holder and other Democrats, these indictments are good news for justice in our country. For many years, Hunter Biden has gotten away with alleged crimes like no other American. But then again, he is no other American. He is the son of the 46th president of the United States.

That fact should not make Hunter stand out, but the fact that Hunter uses his status as the president’s son, or the vice president’s son, or the son of the “big guy” to enhance his mediocre earning potential makes him stick out like a bad relative.

The sweetheart plea deal that fell apart over the summer under the heat of ordinary judicial scrutiny left most law-abiding Americans reeling over a two-tiered justice system that seemed to protect those favorable to the current administration while unyielding to any allegations above a hangnail aimed at former President Donald Trump or other conservatives.

Or maybe the Justice Department is doing Mr. Biden (either one) a favor by charging Hunter now so he can keep his mouth shut about what his father knew and when he knew it.

Americans need to be cognizant of the powers that be meddling with our justice system for their own benefit. Whether turning the justice system against political opponents — for example, the partisan crusade to silence Mr. Trump and his millions of supporters — or giving Hunter Biden a pass or, conversely, the golden opportunity to not self-incriminate, Democrats are doing everything they can to protect their power and subvert the voices of the American people.

It is cause for celebration that Hunter Biden will soon have to answer for his alleged crimes. We cannot, however, allow the Democratic puppet masters in Washington to continue pulling the strings to protect their own power.

• Curtis Hill is a former Indiana attorney general and a Republican candidate for governor.

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