- The Washington Times - Wednesday, December 20, 2023

It’s never too early to start the steal ahead of the next election, apparently.

Perhaps the Colorado Supreme Court’s jaw-dropping decision Tuesday night to kick former President Donald Trump off the ballot should not have been so jaw-dropping. Democrats will stop at nothing to destroy Mr. Trump’s electoral future.

You know, sometimes you have to destroy democracy in order to save democracy. Preserve an election by forbidding people from voting for their favored candidate in the election.

Impeach him. Throw his supporters in jail even if their only crime was trespassing in a federal building. Charge him with a laundry list of crimes nobody’s ever heard of but will put him in jail for 100 years.

Now, their latest coup: Remove Mr. Trump’s name from the ballot by judicial fiat. The Colorado Supreme Court is an all-Democratic panel carrying out the unhinged wishes of Democratic politicians across the land.

But Democrats still have a problem. It’s the problem they have had all along.

His supporters do not care what they do to him. Strike that. They care very much. Every cartoonish, unconstitutional weapon they use against Mr. Trump only makes his supporters support him more.

And independents. Apparently, even some Democrats.

This latest gambit by the Colorado Supreme Court has crazy leftists swooning in the streets. But among rational voters, this junta court just gave Mr. Trump another 10-point bump in the polls.

Americans love a fighter. They love an underdog. They even love an outlaw, if the outlaw is relatable or on the run from a common enemy.

Mr. Trump checks all those boxes, and it is driving Democratic politicians even more insane than they already were.

In just the last three months, Mr. Trump has jumped between 6 and 9 points in polls across the country. Polling this early before an election is almost meaningless — except for measuring movement in a candidate’s popularity. A 6- or 9-point swing in polling is a big deal. It means something.

In the case of Donald Trump, it is especially meaningful.

There is no one in America who does not already have a fully formed opinion of Donald Trump. He is the most famous American alive today — one of the most famous Americans to have ever lived.

Nobody in this country is just now hearing about the guy. Nobody tells pollsters they don’t have enough information about him to form an opinion about him.

At this point, they either love him or hate him. Or love his policies and don’t much care for him personally. Or think he is a wonderfully gifted but tragic figure whose political genius is thwarted by his excesses of vulgarity, vanity and vindictiveness.

But nobody doesn’t have some kind of opinion of the guy.

Yet here we are, eight years after Mr. Trump descended his glass escalator into political history, and people are still changing their minds about him — in his favor. American voters are still warming up to the guy.

Sure, some of it is because people are suffering misery under the Biden administration. Some people are realizing that Mr. Trump was right on every issue while Democrats are wrong on every issue. And some of it is that people are finally seeing through the endless conspiracy of lies about him (and President Biden) spun by the media-government-intelligence complex.

And people are changing their minds in polls today because of what they see Democratic politicians and partisan prosecutors in places like Washington, Atlanta, New York and now the state of Colorado are doing to him. They know it is wrong. It is unfair. It is unconstitutional. It is un-American.

So, the Colorado Supreme Court has just sealed the 2024 election — by ensuring Donald Trump gets reelected.

• Charles Hurt is the opinion editor at The Washington Times.

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