As an American citizen and supporter of Israel, I find President Biden’s treatment of the Jewish state totally unacceptable (“Biden takes a tougher stance on Israel’s ‘indiscriminate bombing’ of Gaza,” web, Dec. 12).

I am referring, of course, to his ultimatum to Israel to stop its bombing of terrorist hot spots in Gaza or risk losing U.S. military aid.

Israel has every right to defend itself and its people against the terrorist animals that are Hamas, and to take these monsters out wherever it finds them. Mr. Biden has no right to stop a sovereign nation. He is catering to the many antisemitic protesters who approve of genocide as long as it’s against the Jews. Mr. Biden’s actions show his true colors, that he is anti-Israel.

If I were president, I would tell these terrorist supporters, the United Nations and the Palestinians — along with their supposed wish to have their own state — to go to hell. I would also send the U.S. military to help Israel find and eliminate these terrorists, and for good measure, also take out Iran, which is bankrolling Hamas and Hezbollah.


Trabuco Canyon, California 

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