- The Washington Times - Tuesday, December 19, 2023

A British defense contractor announced this week that it plans to repair damaged Ukrainian weapons inside the country rather than first shipping them abroad to places like Poland, where the repair teams would not face Russian attacks.

BAE Systems and AMS Integrated Solutions signed an agreement on Monday to provide repair services for artillery systems donated to Ukraine by the British government. The Dubai-based AMS will carry out the repairs at its facilities in Ukraine using local engineers.

Repairing combat-damaged weapons inside Ukraine means they will spend less time out of action and return to the front lines faster, officials said.

“We have many years of experience in supporting our products all over the world, sometimes in very challenging environments,” Joe Borton, a BAE Systems official, said in a statement.

BAE Systems manufactured a “significant proportion” of the military hardware that the British government has provided to Ukraine since the start of its war with invading Russians, the company said.

• Mike Glenn can be reached at mglenn@washingtontimes.com.

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