- Monday, December 18, 2023

As we approach the season of Christmas, our hearts are filled with anticipation and joy as we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, the most precious gift ever given to humanity. This divine event, marked by a humble stable in Bethlehem, carries profound significance for Christians around the world. It is a time to honor, respect, and receive the miracle of Christ’s birth, and as we gather with our families, it’s an opportunity to reflect on how we can be a gift to our communities.

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In the midst of the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, it is essential to pause and reflect on the true meaning of Christmas. It’s not merely about exchanging gifts or indulging in festive feasts; it’s about recognizing the profound impact of Jesus’ birth on our lives and the world.

As we gather with our families during this special time, we should ask ourselves a crucial question: How can we be a gift to our communities, just as Jesus was to the world?

The answer lies in the example set by individuals like Nehemiah in the Bible. Nehemiah, a faithful servant of God, played a pivotal role in rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem. His story teaches us valuable lessons about dedication, leadership, and the power of hope.

Nehemiah’s journey began with a burden in his heart for the broken walls of Jerusalem. Similarly, each one of us can carry a burden for the needs of our churches, communities, and the world. Whether it’s addressing poverty, supporting those in need, or spreading the message of love and hope, we have the power to make a difference. Like Nehemiah, we can be catalysts for change.

Nehemiah’s actions were driven by prayer and faith. He sought God’s guidance and relied on His strength to undertake the monumental task of rebuilding the city walls. In the same way, we should turn to prayer and faith as our sources of inspiration and strength when seeking to bring hope and transformation to our communities.

Furthermore, Nehemiah’s ability to rally people together for a common purpose is a testament to the importance of unity and collaboration. We can achieve great things when we work together with a shared vision of making the world a better place.

In today’s world, there is no shortage of challenges and hardships. From global crises to personal struggles, hope can sometimes seem scarce. However, as bearers of hope, we have the opportunity to be the light in the darkness, to be the agents of change, and to be the hands and feet of Jesus on Earth.

This Christmas season, let us remember the precious gift of the birth of Jesus Christ, and let us honor and respect it by following His example. Let us seek ways to be a gift to our communities, bringing hope, love, and transformation. Just as Nehemiah brought hope to Jerusalem, each of us can be a bearer of hope to our churches, communities, and the world. In doing so, we continue the legacy of Jesus, who came to bring light to a dark world and salvation to all who believe.

Bishop Gregory Toussaint is the founder of Shekinah.fm, an international media platform committed to equipping Christians around the world through radio, television, music, and live events. He is the author of “Nehemiah Rise: Biblical Principles for Community Leadership.” Bishop Gregory serves as the senior pastor of Tabernacle of Glory, which consists of 47 branches worldwide, in Miami, Florida. Fluent in English, French, Spanish, and Haitian Creole, Gregory holds degrees in Business (BS), Law (LL.M), and Theology (Th.M., D.E.A).

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