For the House to approve further Ukraine war funding, Republicans insist that the Biden administration enforce immigration law and tighten our southern border (“Biden, Zelenskyy stumped as Ukraine war aid languishes in Congress,” web, Dec. 12).

Doing so would not only facilitate aid for the war in Ukraine, but would also mitigate blame for this administration’s border crisis.

Instead of asking the House GOP for aid, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy should have pressed the White House harder.

House Speaker Mike Johnson has made clear the GOP’s willingness to help — in exchange for a win-win concession from President Biden.

But the president, with lower lip stuck out in petulance, says Ukraine aid depends entirely on the GOP. Our own border, meanwhile, is none of that party’s business.

If Mr. Biden turns Ukraine into another Afghanistan, no amount of monkey business will help the Democrats in next year’s election.


Irvington, Virginia

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