- Wednesday, August 9, 2023

One of the advantages to a change in majority in one or both houses of Congress is that the public gets to see what the other party won’t address or has been covering up.

Such was the case on Monday when Rep. Darrell Issa, California Republican, held a forum in Escondido, California, with parents of the 13 service members killed when a terrorist bomber detonated his vest at Kabul International Airport during the withdrawal of U.S. forces from Afghanistan nearly two years ago.

The parents assert there has been a cover-up and insensitivity to their concerns from the Biden administration.

Unlike so many hearings we are used to seeing in Washington, where members posture and occasionally talk more than witnesses, Mr. Issa allowed the parents to pour out their hearts.

They did, and while doing so they also criticized President Biden, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Mark Milley for not responding to their numerous requests for information on how and why their child died. It was gripping and highly emotional.

One parent said a Marine had the terrorist in his sights but could not get permission from higher-ups to fire. Another parent said his son’s cellphone was returned to him, but without the SIM card that might have contained pictures, messages and other information he wanted.

Anyone watching the forum must have been moved by the pain expressed by each parent. Two said they had “protected” their child while he or she was growing up and had faith that the Marine Corps would do the same.

At a minimum, they want an apology from the government, an admission by Mr. Biden that mistakes were made, and the resignation or firing of people who made those mistakes that caused the deaths of their loved ones.

That’s unlikely to happen because, as we’ve seen in too many instances, when you are in government, being wrong is more likely to get you a promotion than a pink slip.

And in fairness, the chaotic withdrawal from the longest war in U.S. history spanned two administrations, not just Mr. Biden’s. In February 2020, the Trump administration negotiated a withdrawal agreement from Afghanistan that freed more than 5,000 imprisoned Taliban soldiers and reduced U.S. troop levels from 13,000 to 2,500.

Would those 13 Marines have been better protected if the drawdown hadn’t been so drastic?

But grieving parents aren’t concerned with policy. The buck stops at the Oval Office, and whoever is sitting in the big chair when the buck gets there gets blamed.

One parent, however, said when Mr. Biden shook her hand at Dover Air Force Base, where bodies of service members are returned, he told her he could identify with her pain because his son Beau had been killed in Iraq. She knew that he wasn’t killed in Iraq; he died from cancer. This added to her suspicion, she said, that she was being lied to by her government.

She wasn’t the only one who claimed the parents have been getting lies or silence from the administration. The father of Marine Corps Sgt. Taylor Hoover accused the Biden administration of lying to him and other parents to evade public accountability for mistakes they made.

Kelly Barnett, the mother of one of those killed, claimed, “We are told lies, given incomplete reports, incorrect reports, total disrespect.” She labeled the military and civilian leadership “incompetent cowards” and “evil.”

Mr. Austin, the secretary of defense, issued a statement at the time of the terrorist attack in which he said: “We mourn alongside the families of those who were lost, and we will never forget your loved ones’ heroism and sacrifice. They gave their lives trying to save the lives of others. And I know that you share my pride in them.”

The families say they have heard little or nothing since.

You can watch the entire hearing on YouTube. It is riveting and emotional.

Predictably, some Democrats are saying President Biden and the military leadership did nothing wrong. Watch the video and make up your own mind. I’ve made up mine.

Those young Marines deserved better.

• Readers may email Cal Thomas at tcaeditors@tribpub.com. Look for Cal Thomas’ latest book, “A Watchman in the Night: What I’ve Seen Over 50 Years Reporting on America” (HumanixBooks).

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