- The Washington Times - Monday, August 7, 2023

Louisiana just signed into law a requirement that all public school administrators make sure the motto “In God We Trust” is displayed in every classroom, in every building, in every district. It’s a law that’s been passed in several other states of late as well.

Praise the Lord. God is making a comeback in America.

Or more to the truth: Americans are finally realizing that without God on the public stage, at the forefront of society, this country will cave to evil. About time.

Better late than never.

“What Louisiana has done should be done in schools across the nation — and in every public space of every community,” said American Family Association’s executive Vice President Ed Vitagliano in a written statement. “The sentiment expressed in our national motto is simple yet critically important to the future of America. We will either return to a deep trust in the God of the Bible or perish.”


America was founded on the idea of individual liberty, with the understanding that it’s God, not government, who grants those liberties to each and every individual. An America that forgets that concept is an America that allows government the ability and power to grant liberties — which is to also say, allows government the ability and power to seize liberties at whim. 

Check the last few years of the coronavirus clampdowns; government’s already quite comfortable with playing that role.

So the solution to what ails America — to all that ails America — is rooted in a return to God.

Citizens who know God is the Creator of all, the grantor of all, the decider of all and the sovereign of all — are citizens who don’t need government to provide all and are citizens who demand government stay limited in scope. Who needs government if there’s God?

Bureaucrats hate it when citizens don’t need government. It interferes with their ability to control and regulate and rule. There’s a reason why Democrats a few years ago tried to boot God from the party’s platform.

Well, the left has had its way with America for far too long now. It’s because of secular, wicked, atheist leftists who care only for this material world — and winning! — that we have a society of confusion, chaos, immorality and evil, where youth are being raised by pill-pushing pediatricians and parents who listen when socialist teachers tell them today’s boys are too active and need steady supplies of ADHD meds, and who comply when Marxist-minded Democrats demand they should surgically remove their 13-year-old’s breasts because she thinks she’s really male.

It’s because of Democrats and their partners in the global governments that America has fallen on tough times — but really, more to the truth, it’s because those who should know better have let these Democrats and their globalist collaborators-in-destruction get by for too long with dictating how free citizens should live.

If America hadn’t let God be pushed from the national stage, then Americans wouldn’t be facing the massive threats to liberty that we now face. Americans wouldn’t be fighting on the public school front for control of their children’s education; on the economic front for a fair system that penalizes the lazy and rewards the hard-working; on the cultural front for entertainment that doesn’t sexually groom children; on the political front for leaders who understand and respect founding principles of limited government — and who recognize it’s a republic, stupid, not a democracy; and on the moral front for a society that doesn’t consistently, weekly, daily, hourly flip good for evil and evil for good.

All roads lead to God.

All that ails America can be traced back to a national turning from God.

In a way, this clarifies the war and makes it a more focused fight: Put God first, and all these things will be given to you, as the Bible states.

It starts small.

It starts with a step.

It starts with widespread postings of “In God We Trust,” reminding us who we are as a people.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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