- Friday, August 4, 2023

Every night while Americans lie awake wondering how they’re going to pay their taxes and deal with inflation and rising energy costs, Chinese dictator Xi Jinping somewhere sports his signature pursed-lip smile. He’s watching America butcher its economy and its future over the illusion of climate change doomsdayism, while he gets more powerful.

Last week, even as President Biden’s climate czar, John Kerry — a man with a carbon footprint likely a hundred times that of the average American — visited China, Mr. Xi stated that his country would not be bound by the Paris Climate Accords or international pressure to control emissions.

This is an about-face from his 2015 statements to the West on the agreement and its goals. A big “I told you so” is appropriate but barely necessary.

Assuming a global climate strategy is even possible, it cannot exist without China and India. Neither is equivocating on their energy production goals and methods to feed the economies of the two most populous nations on Earth.

China has 24 nuclear power plants under construction. As of late last year, India has plans to build five more.

China is building dozens of new coal-fired power plants and has six times the coal power capacity of the rest of the world. The Chinese Communist Party just announced a $100 billion investment in their steel industry, which will increase emissions substantially.

This past week, we were patting ourselves on the back for commissioning one nuclear plant in Georgia, the first built in the U.S. in three decades, amid a war that environmentalists (read Democrats) have waged for years on nuclear, coal and now natural gas energy production.

The American environmental community is doing the bidding of our communist adversary and the world’s largest polluter.

While China’s energy production is booming, Mr. Biden’s Environmental Protection Agency announced it’s now going after your water heater and light bulbs.

Mike Bloomberg and other leftists are spending millions in court to defeat energy projects across the country.

Major electrical transmission companies are begging the Biden administration to roll back its goals to close our power plants.

With all the Biden and Trump corruption talk, it’s a solid bet that many Americans don’t know that in April, the EPA proposed even more regulations on power plants that will make our electrical grid weaker and less stable while increasing energy prices for Americans. Democrats in state legislatures are doing China’s bidding as well by moving aggressively to ban natural gas.

Last week, Ford announced it will lose $4.5 billion this year on Democrats’ frenzied push for electric vehicle adoption. The automaker is losing $32,000 on every electric car it sells. China still makes out like a bandit since it continues to control the global supply of lithium and cobalt needed to make EV batteries. 

The same people who want you to believe there are 57 genders are the ones who want you to think that Mr. Biden and more of your money in the hands of government will change the planet’s temperature. 

China isn’t going to shut down their coal or steel industry just because John Kerry shows up spouting some pablum written for him by Greenpeace or a cabal of leftist environmentalist think tanks.

China doesn’t care about climate change. It cares about power, control and domination. That’s what communists do.

The malign influence of China itself through social media and can likely be blamed for furthering the unattainable net-zero emissions goals that get so much attention here. People in this country who allow themselves to be brainwashed by the climate lobby make China even more formidable.

Messrs. Biden and Kerry don’t see China or communism as a universal threat to this nation. They’re too busy helping the CCP by staging these phony diplomatic missions with outrageously unrealistic goals to convince Americans they must submit to domestic regulations that are at once severe and nonsensical. 

Nazi butcher Joseph Goebbels once wrote: “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. … It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

In a nation that is hostage to the deep state and a media captured by the left, the lies spew forth in a torrent to control us.

The perversion of science and truth to create climate change anxiety is one of the worst of those lies because the more we believe it, the stronger China becomes, here and abroad. 

• Tom Basile is the host of “America Right Now” on Newsmax and the author of “Tough Sell: Fighting the Media War in Iraq.” He served as an adviser to the Coalition Provisional Authority in Iraq from 2003 to 2004.

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