- The Washington Times - Thursday, August 31, 2023

If you’re wondering how a well-regarded agency like the FBI can go from reputable to ragtag in just a few short years — look no further than the leadership.

Retired FBI Special Agency Thomas Baker said the agency in just the last few years has gone from the mindset of law enforcement to one of intelligence. And that, as they say, has made all the difference.

“[This] change in culture of the FBI from a law enforcement agency to an intelligence agency,” Baker said, “has had a lot of unintended and ultimately bad consequences.”

Such as?

Such as a type of thinking that leads to the weaponization of federal authorities against political enemies; such as the tax-payer wasteful funding of largely fabricated accusations and allegations against the former president, Donald Trump; such as the ongoing and even beefed-up investigations and accusations and allegations and attacks — leading to indictment after indictment after indictment — against the same Donald Trump who is now seeking another White House tenure, against the very commander-in-chief currently serving, currently in charge of the deep staters.

My, how a once-mighty FBI agency has fallen. Who trusts this political tool nowadays?

“In a law enforcement agency,” Baker, who just wrote “The Fall of the FBI, said, “your mindset consciously or unconsciously — you’re working forward toward the day you’re going to have to stand up in court, before a jury and swear … to tell the truth and nothing but the truth.”

So you’re careful with how the investigations proceed — with how the allegations fly.

“In an intelligence agency,” Baker said, “they don’t deal with [that]. … They [use] every day deceit and deception.”

No wonder 70% of American voters in a recent poll said they don’t trust the FBI. Sadly, they’re not worthy of trust.

Tune in for more with FBI insider Tom Baker — and don’t forget to subscribe to Bold & Blunt so you won’t miss more great guests, each Tuesday and Thursday.

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