Sex/gender is not indicative of ability or capability, and neither is race, religion or ethnicity — though the remark made by presidential candidate Nikki Haley in the recent debate suggests otherwise.

During the debate, Mrs. Haley quoted Margaret Thatcher, who said: “If you want something said, ask a man. If you want something done, ask a woman.” 

This nation does not need more divisiveness, especially that which suggests that one sex, race or ethnicity is superior to another, or that one group is subject to victimization for which outlandish and eternal compensation is deserved.

Good oratory is not totally the province of men, who also often get much done. Conversely, there are women who are both good orators and productive people.

Mrs. Haley’s cutesy statement could lead voters to conclude that if elected, she would make her Cabinet all female and give all the other top administrative positions of the executive branch to women, too.

Her comment has been made in various forms and other contexts many times before, but it is beneath the stature and dignity of the chief executive of the United States.

That position has been horribly sullied by the current White House occupant. We need the next president to ameliorate, not denigrate.

Mrs. Haley needs to put on her walk-back shoes and get busy.


Silver Spring, Maryland

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