- The Washington Times - Friday, August 18, 2023

The Joe Biden administration has been busily pushing a green agenda to force 50 percent of all new vehicle sales to be electric within the next decade, a goal the Democrats want to achieve, in part, by siphoning off $51 million of tax dollars for a Ride and Drive Electric program through federal infrastructure and energy funding.

This — as those on the left continue to fly around the world in private jets to deliver speeches about the need for everyone else to curb emissions.

We all know Democrats are hypocrites. But the left’s obsession with environmentalism and climate-based regulatory controls go beyond politics, into the realm of cultish. Truly, environmentalism is the left’s religion.

And they’ve become fanatical about it.

They’re capturing the youth; they’re training the next generation of leaders to respect and worship not God, but nature.

“Half of the world’s population is under 30,” UN Climate Change posted on Twitter. “Young people around the world are leading initiatives to drive a just transition to a sustainable [Earth] and have identified the development of #GreenSkills as an urgent priority.”

What are green skills?

It’s the catch phrase for the globalist-fueled propaganda movement to grab the minds and hearts — and souls — of the world’s maturing leaders and teach them how to infuse environmentalism into every aspect of life and human activity. 

For them it’s not God at the center of the universe.

It’s planet earth.

More to truth: it’s them and their ability to control planet earth.

The Bible speaks to this time.

“They exchange the truth about God for a lie,” Romans 1 states. “They worship and serve what God has created instead of the Creator himself.”

Here we are.

“They” are these people. And they’re bringing their special brand of evangelism to the most easily influenced and swayed.

Leftists have correctly identified youth as the demographic that hungers for a mission and purpose that’s greater than self — who seek passions and causes that make them feel like they’re part of a heroic endeavor. But instead of guiding that hunger and passion toward God, the true giver of individual worth and talent, these leftists dangle a more tangible, touchable, tactile god: earth. They even steal the language of religion to make the deception complete.

“Greater Good Magazine: Science-Based Insights for a Meaningful Life,” reads the title of one online magazine. And what are those insights for meaning about? Read on: “How to Do Good for the Environment (And Yourself).”

Environmentalism: It’s for the greater good. It’s the recipe for a life of meaning and purpose.

Of course, proper stewardship of land and air and water is for the greater good of humanity. That’s the truth; that’s the 99% truth the devil acknowledges. Then here comes the 1% lie. The lie comes when stewardship is explained as something only the government can achieve through regulation and control. Not so. Not even a little bit so.

People who love their properties take proper care of them without government dictates. Moreover, Christians who love God take care of His creations out of love for His creations — not due to government mandates.

For the left, though, such statements are astonishing and outrageous. They get in the way of their all-consuming lusts to control mass populations.

“E.P.A. Lays out Rules to Turbocharge Sales of Electric Cars and Trucks,” The New York Times wrote in April. “The Biden administration is proposing rules to ensure that two-thirds of new cars and a quarter of new heavy trucks sold in the United States by 2032 are all-electric.”

With taxpayer pockets to dip into, Democrats have a wealth of opportunity, under this pro-globalist, America Second administration, to propel into reality an environmental agenda that could take the next White House, the next Congress, the next conservative-dominated corridors of power years to undo — decades, even.

By then, it won’t matter.

It will be too late.

All common sense about natural weather patterns will be replaced by fear-mongering, hysteria and quests to clamp liberties.

With Greta Thunberg at the helm, and Klaus Schwab as the master pulling the puppet and purse strings, and George Soros and Bill Gates and their ilk as the money-behind-the-agenda, the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset will soon stretch its tentacles into every aspect of human activity, all under the guise of preserving planet earth; all under the badge of “sustainable development” honor. And because environmentalism is a religion, these radicals — these fanatics — will actually pat themselves on the back for doing good, even as they’re destroying life; even as they’re wrecking lives.

It is the way of their worship.

The climate change god is the devil in disguise.

Voting won’t help so much as this, from Psychology Today: “The Definitive Guide to Helping People Trapped in a Cult” — or this, from Crosswalk.com, “5 Amazing Ways to Throw Satan off his Game with Worship.”

Environmentalism isn’t just a social agenda or a political issue. It’s a battle of principalities and it’s going to take spiritual weaponry to win.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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