R. Emmett Tyrrell Jr.’s piece implying that President Biden started out in a good place as a politician was a terrible thing to read because there is nothing in Mr. Biden’s 40-plus years in office to justify that belief (“Big Guy Biden: What started out as admirable quickly devolved into corruption,” web, Aug. 15).

If you want to know the true Joe Biden, simply look to the graft and protection racket he ran over Delaware.

What about his role — which was central — in the Delaware refinery fiasco? Valero wanted to spend $1.5 billion to rebuild the old, rundown 450,000-barrel-a-day refinery just before Mr. Biden became vice president years ago. Democrats refused permits, Valero shut down the plant, and 16,000 workers in Delmarva lost their jobs.

In a panic, the Democrats offered $1 billion to a “friend” to buy and restart the operation. He did, but he opened only half the old plant, didn’t modernize anything, and spent $187 million, reportedly pocketing the rest.

It was only in December 2022 that the Delaware Supreme Court issued the final ruling that the Democrats — including Mr. Biden — put
no condition on the grant except to restart the refinery, and their buddy was free to keep the $800 million he did not spend.

That was a huge red flag about Mr. Biden, but no one bothered to report it.  


Wayne, Pennsylvania

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