- The Washington Times - Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Sen. Rand Paul, Kentucky Republican, referred criminal charges against Anthony Fauci to the Justice Department, accusing the good doctor of outright lying — a crime when it’s done during congressional testimony — about funding gain-of-function research at Wuhan.

“There’s probably never been a government official caught more red-handed, lying to us,” Paul said on a Fox News segment after his filing.

That may be.

But Fauci still won’t face accountability and consequences. He’s a member of the protected class and that makes him immune from prosecution — from the type of prosecution that Joe Q. Citizen and Jane Doe Taxpayer would no doubt face for the same allegations.

Fauci is a liar.

He served as the globalists’ and bureaucrats’ and Democrats’ obfuscation expert during the years of coronavirus crazy, telling Americans on one hand to jump but on the other to stay seated, and then pretending all along that what he dictated was simply sound science.

Because “I am science,” as he once helpfully explained.

It’d be nice to say that his term as director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and his subsequent turn to Georgetown as a distinguished university professor in the school’s medicine department, would end in a fiery flameout of accountability for the lives he damaged and the economic devastations he caused by his faulty, skewed, erroneous, deceptive and unscientific coronavirus-tied recommendations — recommendations he knew full well would play in the local levels as orders and dictates, carried by the lips of self-serving politicians into the ears of fear-filled fools, as they were.

But it won’t.

He’ll coast.

His accountability won’t come until another lifetime.

But Paul is a patriot and an example of an outstanding public servant for continuing his press for Fauci to face the fire.

“[Fauci] has proved the lie in his own words,” Paul said on Fox. “So at first he kind of acted like, ‘Oh we don’t have anything to do with the research over there, we don’t fund the research in Wuhan,’ — so we found the actual scientific papers, we found the grant number proving it came from his agency.”

And then?

“And then he said, ‘Oh well, we’re funding it, but it’s not gain-of-function,’” Paul said.

Right. Expert liars always find a way to squeeze around uncomfortable truths. And one way expert liars during COVID lockdown years skirted truth was to redefine commonly accepted and long-held truths. For instance, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention redefined “vaccination” from an action that was taken to “prevent disease” or to “produce immunity to a specific disease” to one that was taken to “produce protection from a specific disease.” CDC lowered the standards, at a time when the promised efficacy of the COVID shots fell short — so short, in fact, people began wondering why they were taking the shots at all.  

Classic textbook example of how leftists lie, and continue the lie even after being busted for the lie.

Fauci helped prod along that particular lie — just as he prodded along the lie denying U.S. tax-paid research was wrongly conducted at the Wuhan lab.

“Rand Paul accuses Fauci of changing ‘gain-of-function’ definition to ‘cover your ass’ in fiery clash,” Fox News wrote in November of 2021.

In that same piece, Fox wrote: “Up until recently, the NIH website had a section that discussed gain of function research, provided a broad definition of ‘a type of research that modifies a biological agent so that it confers new or enhanced activity to that agent.’ On Oct. 20, the NIH removed that section from its website, replacing it with one that discusses ‘enhanced potential pandemic pathogen’ research, which it defined as ‘research that may be reasonably anticipated to create, transfer or use potential pandemic pathogens resulting from the enhancement of a pathogen’s transmissibility and/or virulence in humans.’”

When the shoe fits — redefine what it means to wear a shoe.

Well, now Paul has documents from February of 2020 that show Fauci privately acknowledged to colleagues that “this virus could have come from the lab because they’re doing gain-of-function research,” The Daily Caller reported.

Fauci then goes on to describe in these documents the very same projects Paul asked him to explain during congressional testimony — the very same projects Fauci shoulder-shrugged away as nothing to see here, go home, folks, and quit bugging me about it matters.

“We have in his own words admitting it was gain of function, admitting they funded it and admitting it gave them suspicion to the possibility this pandemic came from the lab,” Paul said, just this week on Fox. 

“We have him dead to rights,” Paul also said.

But will Justice Department investigators under Democrat-controlled Attorney General Merrick Garland do anything about it?

No. They’re too busy trying to cover for Hunter Biden; they’re too busy trying to keep Joe Biden’s presidency afloat.

If Fauci weren’t protected by the globalists, he’d face five years imprisonment for lying to Congress. If Fauci were a Republican, he’d face immediate jailing, followed by an anything but speedy trial.

But leftists get free passes on lying because their fawning friends in the press give them free passes and because, for the most part, they have no moral compass save for their “win at all costs” political pursuits.

Good thing there’s a higher accountability called judgment day.

That’s when the hall of the great white throne will be filled with Democrats who will find themselves in quite the quandary after their slick-talking ways and smooth dodges and redefines of truth are finally, ultimately and forever after put to rest.

Until then: You know the deal. 

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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