“Shame on us: Who’s to blame for today’s corrosive politics?” (web, July 31) by Cal Thomas is the best opinion piece I’ve read in The Washington Times in three decades.

Too many of our government’s most partisan policymakers — with President Biden and former President Donald Trump leading each partisan pack — reflect the sickness and devolution of contemporary American and religious culture.

It is shameful that a majority of “We the People” have abandoned the fundamental principles expressed in Scripture and our nation’s own founding document, the Declaration of Independence, which leads with the profound ideal of “the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God.”

Anyone looking further than their own personal or partisan self-interest should understands that we cannot trash nature, our most basic and essential infrastructure (God’s creation), or ignore the golden rule in favor of love of gold and power, without dire consequences. 

John Adams, our nation’s second president, wrote: “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”

Anyone today who is willing to give a school grade to each of the seven intentions in the our Constitution’s preamble of will instantly know that both Adams and Mr. Thomas are correct.

And we have only ourselves to blame. Shame on us, indeed.  


Rockville, Maryland

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