- The Washington Times - Wednesday, April 5, 2023

In response to a question from CNN host Jake Tapper about the strength of the 34 felony charges formally unleashed against Donald Trump in a Manhattan courtroom, legal analyst Carrie Cordero had this to say: “It’s a little underwhelming.”

Even Trump-hating, Trump-bashing CNN and its host of Trump-hating, Trump-bashing paid legal analysts can’t get behind Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg and his courtroom witch hunt against the former president.

Even CNN’s legal minds know the charges are bogus.

Tapper to Cordero: “Is it what you thought it would be and are you unimpressed?”

Cordero to Tapper: “It is what I thought it was going to be in terms of the payments that were made, the falsification of the records is really tied to the payment that was made to Stormy Daniels. In terms of a case that’s being brought against a former president, it’s a little underwhelming.”

Trump has pleaded not guilty to the charges. And oh, so rightly so.

Bragg is a tool of the far-left.

He’s banking his career rise on the notoriety that comes with taking on Trump.

But even those who would love to see Trump behind bars are casting dubious eyes on his legal play.

“There’s not more to it,” Cordero said, of the 16-page indictment containing the 34 supposed felonious crimes committed by Trump. And put air quotes around that sentence. ‘Cause it appears that Bragg is the only one who believes those crimes exist.

“There’s not more violations, tax violations,” Cordero said, as Mediaite reported. “There’s not an incredible new set of facts that we didn’t know about publicly. It’s really the facts of this case, as they have existed for basically almost seven years.”

And remember: These are the “facts of this case” that federal authorities — the Justice Department — refused to pursue because, well, they thought it would lead nowhere. They thought there was nothing to see here folks, and they decided instead to go home.

Bragg is like the golden nugget that Democrats — working off George Soros-tied money — were able to dig up from the deep, dark dirt of deep state land. He’s the perfect go-to for Trump haters of the world: a man with no soul who will gladly trade principle for political gain.

At least the judge, Juan Merchan — whose daughter did some work for the Joe Biden-Kamala Harris campaign — didn’t try and issue a gag order to Trump (though he did lay the groundwork for one).

“Please refrain from making comments or engaging in conduct that has the potential to incite violence, create civil unrest or jeopardize the safety or well-being of any individuals,” Merchan said, at the tail end of the Manhattan charade.

The show must go on.

Who defines “potential to incite violence?” Who determines rhetoric that could “create civil unrest?”

If it’s Democrats — if it’s Bragg — then the next act is likely to be accusations of Trump inciting violence. 

Just add it to the list of other “underwhelming” allegations against this former president.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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