- The Washington Times - Tuesday, April 4, 2023

William P. Barr, ex-attorney general of the United States — and no Donald Trump sycophant — called Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s indictment against the former president an “abomination,” the “epitome of the abuse of prosecutorial power” and a classic textbook case example of “banana republic” politicking.

Indeed. Bragg must be held to account. 

It’s not just the fate of Trump that’s in jeopardy.

It’s the future of America’s democratic republic; the future of America’s Constitution; the future of the rule of law — and all that affects everybody, Republican and Democrat alike.

“This is the epitome of the abuse of the prosecutorial power to preempt political decisions and sow discord in the political process,” Barr said during a recent interview on Fox News, reported by Breitbart. “And I think it’s going, you know — we’re going to rue the day we crossed this Rubicon. There’ll be more and more of this and you know, [it] just doesn’t end well. It doesn’t end well. It makes us look like a banana republic — and it should.”

Barr’s view comes from his legal-minded look at the accusations that Trump paid “hush money” to then-attorney Michael Cohen to give to porn star Stormy Daniels to make her claims of an affair go away — and his legal-based subsequent finding that Bragg is full of you know what. To say that Trump committed a crime by falsifying business records would only bring misdemeanor charges, at best, Barr said. To try and allege that this so-called falsification of business records was done to hide another crime — specifically, a campaign finance crime — and therefore, is a felony because it wasn’t reported as a campaign expense is bogus, again, at best. But more to truth, it’s politically motivated.

It’s aggressively targeted.

It’s a hatchet job of epic anti-American proportions.

“The case is held together [with] paper clips and rubber bands,” Barr said. “It’s a lousy case and it’s a shame. It’s a shameful episode in our history where this local prosecutor is trying to affect the political process by bringing this case.”

True dat. And that’s obvious to anyone who’s not blinded by Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Fence-sitters, listen up. Who ya gonna believe here — a former U.S. attorney general who has no ax to grind, no special benefits to win, who even told NPR in March 2022 that if Trump ran for the White House in 2024 that he would be one of “weaker candidates” due to his “obnoxious personal characteristics”; or Bragg, the left-leaning guy that sparked The Daily Mail in June of 2021 to write, “Alvin Bragg has boasted of suing Donald Trump ’more than 100 times,’” Bragg, the left-leaning guy who rose to power on George Soros’ money?

Soros fed $1 million into Color of Change PAC, which in turn fed hundreds of thousands of dollars into Bragg’s campaign. And as Fox reported: “Soros’ son, Jonathan Soros, and Jonathan’s wife, Jennifer Allan Soros, also donated directed to Bragg’s campaign” to the tune of a total of $20,000.

Hate Trump?

Soros loves you.

Bragg has been basking in this Soros-type love for some time now. But enough’s enough. The state of the nation is at risk.

If Americans can’t trust the judicial system — if Americans can’t trust that at least those within the system are making an effort to be unbiased — then mark these words: The system crumbles. Law and order leaves. Thuggery and communism come.

Rep. Jim Jordan said it succinctly: “This is about all of us. This is about going after anyone who opposes the left’s agenda, the establishment’s agenda. And that’s maybe the most scary thing of all.”

Bragg must not walk away from his politicization of his public service platform scot-free. He must face questioning. He must face accountability. He must face consequences.

If Bragg, representative of all that’s wicked in America’s political system, can get by with handcuffing and perp-walking a former president of the United States on entirely drummed up, bogus, faked, fabricated and politicized charges — think what the powers-who-be will do to Trump supporters.

Think how these emboldened Democrats will then turn attack dog eyes on all conservatives — on all MAGA types — on all patriots.

It won’t be pretty.

Then again, communism never is.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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