To Christians all over the world, this week is Holy Week. It is a reminder of the false accusations toward Jesus and his subsequent brutal torture, suffering and death. And then the overwhelming joy of his resurrection on Easter Sunday.

None of us can compare ourselves to Jesus and all of us are sinners. Yet Jesus is a model for all of us, as are the Ten Commandments. One of the most damning is “Thou shalt not bear false witness,” which is the attempt to destroy another person in an attempt to gain personal or group power.

For over six years now, there have been repeated attempts through “false witness” to destroy Donald Trump and members of his family. Not only is this a mortal, damning sin, but major crimes have been committed and are continuing.

Looking objectively at the constant, false attacks on Mr. Trump, it is difficult to understand how any person can withstand this. Yet he does.

This is an appeal to those who are attacking Mr. Trump to take a long, hard look at themselves and the impact of their violation of the Ten Commandments on their souls. They should also take a look at the damage they are bringing to America.

May God bless Donald Trump and his family, especially during this Holy Week.


Chicopee, Massachusetts

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