- The Washington Times - Thursday, April 27, 2023

Jerry Springer is dead. But his presidency lives on.

The Reagan administration introduced America to the spiteful political daughter — so spiteful she posed naked in Playboy magazine.

President George H.W. Bush humiliated America by throwing up in the prime minister’s lap at a state dinner in Japan.

The Clinton administration gave Americans a crash course in DNA analysis.

President Barack Obama was a fabricated media fantasy, and President Donald Trump gave us a World Wrestling Federation smackdown event in a booming arena.

So, perhaps it stands to reason that only President Biden — after spending 50 years as a politician in Washington studying the art of dishonesty — could perfect such political lunacy by rolling all the peak insanity into one, singular, dysfunctional, sleazy and dishonest administration.

The Jerry Springer presidency.

Mr. Biden’s daughter was so full of rage for her father that she wrote in her diary that her father forced her to take showers with him, which turned her into a sex addict. Understandably, she wound up in rehab, where she left her diary in a halfway house.

When a journalist later reported on the diary, the Biden administration’s FBI raided the journalist’s house — confirming that the contents of the diary were probably accurate.

OK, that was not from an episode of “The Jerry Springer Show.” That was crazier than an episode of “The Jerry Springer Show.”

It was everything except a thrown chair.

Since you can no longer believe anything the political press says — or doesn’t say — about Mr. Biden, it’s hard to know how he has most thoroughly humiliated America on the world stage. If he threw up in the Japanese prime minister’s lap, they would just cover it up. They would lie about it.

The press, for example, refuses to confirm or deny rumors that Mr. Biden soiled his diaper at a meeting with the pope at the Vatican. Inquiring minds are left to assume. I guess it DEPENDS on what you want to believe.

But Mr. Biden did turn over $80 billion in American weaponry to terrorists in Afghanistan, sparked a war in Ukraine and handed America’s border over to the drug cartels and human smuggling warlords of Mexico. For all the fights Mr. Springer started, he never managed anything like this.

Of course, the DNA paternity test is what put “The Jerry Springer Show” on the map. The only difference between the fertile guests of Mr. Springer’s show and Hunter Biden is that Mr. Springer’s guests ultimately took responsibility for their offspring.

Yeah, they might have thrown a chair. But they had the decency to acknowledge their own child.

Hunter Biden is such a stingy, wheedling, dishonest, self-serving dirtbag that even after the court-ordered paternity test proved the child was his, he refuses to acknowledge his own biological daughter. And that makes the elder Biden a dirtbag deadbeat grandfather.

On the bright side, at least the child won’t be forced to take any showers with grown Biden men.

If these people tried getting on “The Jerry Springer Show,” Mr. Springer would have turned them away for being too unsavory. Yet somehow, the Bidens are living in the White House. And you are paying for it.

As for Mr. Obama, he, of course, is entirely to blame for Mr. Biden’s presidency. Nobody in Washington ever took Mr. Biden seriously until Mr. Obama needed an old, White coot to offset Mr. Obama’s ignorance and inexperience.

The cultlike deification of Mr. Obama as some kind of White House celebrity broke the political press in Washington. They surrendered all pretense of balance or honesty. They became blind propagandists for the Obama administration.

So much so that when Mr. Trump came along, they turned on him like mangy, cur dogs. They spread every foul lie Democrats fed them and refused to acknowledge Mr. Trump’s successes.

Thus it is only natural that the Biden administration this week got caught holding a staged “press conference,” colluding with the obedient members of the White House press corps, who dutifully beg and preen for the opportunity to hold the microphone in the Rose Garden to lob canned, softball questions at Mr. Biden. This week’s winner was Courtney Subramanian from the Los Angeles Times.

The White House press office was so thrilled with the question Ms. Subramanian submitted beforehand that she got first crack at the microphone.

If only Mr. Biden’s Rose Garden event had the honesty and integrity of “The Jerry Springer Show,” somebody would have thrown a chair.

• Charles Hurt is the opinion editor of The Washington Times.

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