Judging by our record in the U.S., there is a problem with security at schools across the nation. Some of the solutions being floated are far from sufficient (hiring a part-time or retired person, etc.).

Here’s what I believe we must do. 

There are many highly trained police officers throughout the country that have become disillusioned and even pushed out by the “defund the police” movement. We should hire them at good salaries (after all, how important are your kids?) and make them school security officers, reporting directly to each school’s principal. Their positions should be considered high-level.

These officers won’t simply sit at the door and check for problems. He or she will be responsible for the whole security system of the school, including setting up and maintaining training, intra-school communication, emergency drills and communication with outside police, other first responders and hospitals. They will establish emergency communication centers at each school. Students would be trained on what to do and what not to do.

Each of these officers will carry a weapon at all times (concealed or not concealed; that could be up to the principal). In addition, the officer would have the as-needed assistance of four well-trained school employees, preferably those with military or police backgrounds. All weapons would be out of sight and under strict lock and key.

Previous shooters have indicated they’ve avoided schools with tight security. Taking the above steps would stop attacks at schools and save lives. 


Chicopee, Massachusetts

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