- The Washington Times - Monday, April 24, 2023

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez went on MSNBC over the weekend for an interview with former White House spokesperson Jen Psaki about the Fox News v. Dominion Voting System lawsuit, free speech and whether Tucker Carlson is inciting violence.

In other words: An anti-America socialist met with a Democrat disguised as an unbiased news host to pretend to talk factually about a Constitution and a conservative they both detest.

It’s so propaganda it puts propaganda to shame. 

This is like putting two communists in charge of capitalism. Or Anthony Fauci in charge of the Constitution. Or Satan in charge of biblical truths.

“Fox News settled their defamation lawsuit with Dominion … for $787.5 million, a lot of money. It is now the largest defamation settlement in history,” Psaki pitched. “Do you think Dominion’s lawyers made a mistake not requiring Fox to acknowledge on air that it lied to its viewers?”

What to say. What to say.

“I think what is best for the country,” Ocasio-Cortez of New York swung back, “what would have best for the country, would have been to demand that and not settle until we got that.”

Then this: “We have very real issues with what is permissible on air. … How we navigate questions, not just freedom of speech but also accountability for incitement of violence — this is the line that we have to really explore through law.”


No. That’s what the Constitution is for; to underscore and protect the God-given individual right to free speech. The First Amendment even includes a recognition of a right for the press to be free of government control.

But this is Democrat-meet-socialist world — which is to say, socialist-meet-socialist world — which is really, truly more honestly to say, Marxist-meet-Marxist world.

And in that world, government controls all and God is just another synonym for government.

The pitch, a la Psaki: “Do you think that media organizations or social media platforms should be accountable for being platforms for incitement?”

The swing, a la Ocasio-Cortez: “I believe that when it comes to broadcast television, like Fox News, these are subject to federal law, federal regulation in terms of what’s allowed on air and what isn’t. When you look at what Tucker Carlson and some of these other folks on Fox do, it is very, very clearly incitement of violence, very clearly incitement of violence. That is the line that I think we have to be willing to contend with.”

And all the Democratic Party sheep nod their heads in agreement.

The last thing America needs is a socialist with an empty head in charge of free speech. Or an MSNBC host. Because after all: What’s the difference? Their end game is one and the same: to destroy free speech by pretending speech is violence in need of regulation.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

Correction: In a previous version of the column, Jen Psaki’s name was misspelled in the first paragraph and teaser.

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