- Sunday, April 2, 2023

In the space of a week, we saw three children and three adults executed at a Christian school in Nashville, the indictment of former President Donald Trump, and the advent of the national “Transgender Day of Visibility.”

We also saw the current White House occupant awkwardly joking at length about his love of ice cream before addressing the Nashville massacre. The word “inappropriate” is wildly inadequate. Within moments, he segued into a gun control rant.

President Biden’s clueless press secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre, an LGBTQ activist herself, made it all about the transgender “community.” As for Christians who oppose spaying and castrating children, they’re obviously the bad guys.

But wait, there’s more. Mr. Biden declared Friday, March 31, as the “Transgender Day of Visibility” honoring “all transgender, gender nonconforming, and nonbinary people.” That was four days after the trans terrorist’s killing spree at the school. She was stopped only because Nashville police charged in within minutes and took her out. They didn’t care that she preferred male pronouns.

“Transgender Americans shape our nation’s soul,” Mr. Biden said in his “Day of Visibility” proclamation. As for transgender activists, they had planned a “Transgender Day of Vengeance” rally at the Supreme Court with posters featuring a knife, but canceled it at the last minute.

Meanwhile, we’ve learned that more than two years after the Capitol riot, prosecutors intend to arrest 700 to 1,000 more people. That’s right. They are only halfway through and expect to keep this circus going for years.

So far, roughly 1,000 people have been arrested in connection with the events of Jan. 6, 2021, of whom 408 have been sentenced. About half involve a felony. But only 88 have been convicted of a felony, such as obstructing an official proceeding or assaulting a federal officer.

Dozens more are still being held in the D.C. jail without bail or trial. This is America?

It should be clear by now that the Trump indictment, the callous reaction to the Nashville slaughter of Christians, the promotion of transgenderism and the relentlessly absurd persecution of Jan. 6 defendants is about one thing: intimidating the American public.

Step out of line and there’s a lot we can do to you. The Clinton and Biden crime families? Hey, don’t be so political.

The ruling elites want us to think twice about doing anything not approved by the left. Given facial recognition and other surveillance technology popular in China, the feds can go after anyone years after the fact. It’s open season on anyone even remotely suspected of being a MAGA type or “Christian nationalist.”

Unlike its abuse of the Jan. 6 protesters, the Department of Justice is ignoring illegal demonstrations outside the homes of conservative Supreme Court justices. Federal law forbids protests designed to affect judicial proceedings.

The illegal protests began when the court’s Dobbs ruling overturning Roe v. Wade was leaked last May. No one has been prosecuted.

Attorney General Merrick Garland said it was because there have been no arrests. Now we learn that Mr. Garland secretly told federal marshals not to make any arrests. 

This is what totalitarianism looks like.

By contrast, no credible figure exists for how many were arrested and charged in the more than 200 Black Lives Matter and antifa riots in 2020 that took dozens of lives, injured hundreds of police and caused an estimated $2 billion in property damage. We don’t know because the media don’t care.

It isn’t just the Justice Department. The IRS has not been shy about conducting politically motivated inquiries.

House Republicans are currently investigating the “weaponization of government” under the Obama and Biden administrations. Matt Taibbi, one of three journalists selected by Elon Musk to report on the Twitter Files, is a witness. He helped uncover the explosive fact that Obama administration officials told Twitter to block conservative content and elevate liberal content during the 2020 election cycle.

On March 9, there was a knock on the door of Mr. Taibbi’s New Jersey home. He wasn’t there. He was in Washington testifying about the Twitter scandal. The IRS agent left a note telling him to call the agency, which informed him that his 2018 and 2021 returns had been rejected, The Wall Street Journal reported.

It’s also worth noting that Federal Trade Commission Chair Lina (“Wrath of”) Khan has demanded that Mr. Musk “identify all journalists” who had access to the Twitter Files.

Hope you are getting the picture. One more thing that this administration has in common with totalitarian regimes: in-your-face lying.

COVID czar Anthony Fauci misled the nation over and over and covered up his complicity in the Wuhan lab experiments.

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen assured us that inflation was “transitory” even as it rose to nearly 10%.

Homeland Security Director Alejandro Mayorkas told Congress with a straight face that the border is secure. An estimated 5 million aliens have crossed into the United States illegally since Mr. Biden took office.

President Biden himself tweeted: “MAGA House Republican proposals would slash funding for border security – a move that could allow nearly 900 pounds of fentanyl into our country. We need more resources to secure the border. Not less.”

This theater of the absurd might be funny if it were not so deadly serious.

The only cure is to pray for God’s mercy on our country and to resist the madness in every legal way possible. Then, replace the current regime with a president and Congress who will put an end to the lawlessness.

• Robert Knight is a columnist for The Washington Times. His website is roberthknight.com.

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