- The Washington Times - Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Two Republicans on the House Oversight and Accountability Committee say the Biden family profited from a human trafficking scheme that included a prostitution ring in the U.S. and countries such as Russia and Ukraine.

Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia and Nancy Mace of South Carolina said they have viewed bank documents at the Treasury Department that contain “jaw-dropping” evidence of an extensive web of Biden family foreign business deals, including human trafficking and prostitution rings.

The committee is investigating whether President Biden participated in or knew about his family’s foreign business deals. The Republican-led panel is combing through Treasury Department suspicious activity reports, or SARs, that banks have generated.

In a video posted to her Twitter account, Ms. Greene said the oversight committee had just finished reviewing more than 2,000 pages of financial records related to the Biden family’s business dealings.

“I just saw evidence of human trafficking,” Ms. Greene said. “This involved prostitutes, not only from here in the United States but foreign countries like Russia and Ukraine.”

The foreign business deals, Ms. Greene said, involved President Biden’s son Hunter Biden and “many more family members extending past Hunter Biden and his immediate family.”

Rep. Byron Donalds of Florida, another member of the Oversight committee, also reviewed a handful of documents at Treasure and said he saw evidence that the Biden family was profiting from a human trafficking scheme that included prostitution.

“What was there was, frankly, very disturbing,” he told The Washington Times. “It demonstrates and shows that there are transfers of money from foreign entities, from foreign nationals into … bank accounts of Hunter Biden, Jim Biden, and other members of the Biden family.”

Rep. Tim Burchett of Tennessee also reviewed the financial documents with his fellow oversight committee members. 

“The records I saw seemed to show Hunter Biden’s corporate account paid for escort services that may have been tied to human trafficking,” Mr. Burchett said in a statement. 

“They were buying those services using company money. It’s sick, and there needs to be real accountability for this, even though the liberal media doesn’t seem too keen on covering it.” 

The Suspicious Activity Reports are not public records and The Times could not independently verify the information.

The chairman of the panel, Republican Rep. James Comer of Kentucky, leveled similar allegations late last year.

“The SAR shows that Hunter Biden was conducting business with suspected human traffickers,” he said in November. “The money gained through influence peddling was funneled to a suspected criminal enterprise, again, one linked to human trafficking.”

Mr. Comer this week said the committee’s recent review of the Suspicious Activity Reports determined nine members of President Biden’s family “may have benefited” from business deals orchestrated by President Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, and his brother, James Biden, and several business associates.

Mr. Comer and Senate Republican investigators have disclosed bank records that show Hunter Biden, James Biden and President Biden’s daughter-in-law, Hallie Biden, received payments in 2017 and 2018 through Hunter Biden from a Chinese Communist Party-backed energy firm that is now defunct. Six additional family members who may have benefited from the deals were identified this week, Mr. Comer said.

“The Biden family enterprise is centered on Joe Biden’s political career and connections, and it has generated an exorbitant amount of money for the Biden family,” Mr. Comer said. “The Oversight Committee will continue to pursue additional bank records to follow the Bidens’ tangled web of financial transactions to determine if the Biden family has been targeted by foreign actors and if there is a national security threat.”

Democrats on the committee did not accompany Republicans to the Treasury Department to review the suspicious activity reports. A spokesman for the Democrats said the Republicans are smearing the president and his family by mischaracterizing the banking records.

“After years of pursuing political dirt against the Biden family, today’s statement by Chairman Comer once again proves that he has failed to uncover evidence of any wrongdoing by President Biden,” the spokesman said in a statement to The Times. “More troublingly, Committee Republicans continue to mischaracterize Suspicious Activity Reports as evidence of misconduct or criminality, instead of calling them what they are: unsubstantiated tips that rarely result in any follow-up by law enforcement.”

The Times reached out to the White House for comment but did not hear back.

President Biden has denied involvement in or knowledge about the business dealings of his son, brother and their associates, but the records suggest he played a central role in the family’s business deals whether or not he knew about them.

In her Twitter video, Ms. Greene said records she reviewed showed “an enterprise wrapped around Joe Biden, involving not only multiple family members more than we thought there were, but other people as well as just a complete conglomerate of LLC shell companies where money was passing through foreign countries — China, Ukraine, but many more countries than just those.”

Ms. Mace made a similar announcement Monday after reviewing 100 suspicious activity reports.

“I have to tell you, there are more Bidens involved than we knew previously,” Ms. Mace said on Twitter. “And every time you look under a stone, there’s so much more you have to investigate because it’s wild the number of family members involved.”

Ms. Mace said the amount of money involved in the Biden family business transactions “is astronomical.” She said the records show “the source of the funding, where the money’s going, the shell companies, prostitution rings, etc.”

“It’s insanity to me that it’s not been investigated in the way that it should be,” Ms. Mace said.

Mr. Comer gained access to the suspicious activity reports after months of wrangling with the Treasury Department. The department refused his requests until Republicans took control of the House in January.

Republican lawmakers are reviewing the documents to determine whether the web of profitable foreign business deals has compromised President Biden and U.S. national security.

They requested additional records from Hunter Biden, James Biden and a group of business associates. So far, only their business associate Eric Schwerin is cooperating.

Bank records and other evidence revealed so far show that the Biden family and their associates made deals with foreign nationals from China, Ukraine, Russia, Kazakhstan and other countries. The transactions date back to President Biden’s term as vice president.

Republicans want to know how the Biden family and family associates made the money and whether it was from an influence-peddling scheme. Republicans also want to determine whether President Biden ever took a percentage of the profits or knew about the deals.

• Kerry Picket can be reached at kpicket@washingtontimes.com.

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