- The Washington Times - Monday, April 17, 2023

Fifty-seven percent of Americans disapprove of Joe Biden’s handling of the presidency, according to a YouGov poll taken April 12 through April 14. Fifty-one percent disapprove of Biden’s leadership, according to another recent poll from Rasmussen Reports, conducted April 9 through April 13. Fifty-three percent disapprove of Biden’s White House, according to yet another survey, this one from The Canadian Press, conducted April 6 through April 10.

When it comes to falling favor, Biden tops.

If there’s one consistent characteristic of this White House administration, it’s the fact that the more Biden governs, the less people favor him; the more the people see of Biden, the less they like him; the longer Biden leads, the less people want him to lead.

“Only 22 percent of Americans believe Joe Biden’s America is headed in the right direction, down six points since January, a CIVIQS poll found Friday,” Breitbart just reported.

The ability of this president to curry disfavor is truly remarkable.

Even Democrats are abandoning him.

Biden 2024? Most Democrats say no thank you,” The Associated Press wrote in early February.

“Falling Black Support for Biden Has Democrats Worried,” Time magazine wrote just a few days ago.

Where would Democrats be without their Black vote? Relying on the Hispanic and youth votes, no doubt. But bad news there, too.

In October of 2021, FiveThirtyEight.com reported that Biden lost support across a wide swatch of voting groups — but “especially Independent and Hispanics,” the headline blared.

In July of 2022, National Review reported on more of the same — that polls showed Biden with only a 19% approval rating among Hispanics.

Maybe that’s why this, as reported in The Hill just a few weeks back: “Several Senate Banking Committee Democrats are pushing President Joe Biden to nominate a Latino for the Federal Reserve Board.”

If you can’t win by principle and platform, there’s always the outright “buy.” Democrats are great at buying votes; it’s why they open borders wide — hoping to scarf the Hispanic vote; it’s why they push for free college tuition — hoping to scoop the youth vote; it’s why they press for free birth control for women — hoping to draw the low-information female vote. What Democrats can’t earn by the power of persuasion, they will buy by lies, spins, deceptions and promises of tax-payer entitlements.

For Biden, though, his time grows short.

His ability to even “buy” votes by promising giveaways is falling on deaf ears.

Inflation, lingering supply chain issues, transgender madness and mo’ money, ‘mo’ money, mo’ money for Ukraine — mostly unaccountable money — are all having an effect on his polling favor.

Biden, to be truthful, was never meant to be more than a puppet for the far left to run a Marxist agenda through the White House. But his usefulness for even that is drawing to an end.

Thing is, Democrats don’t have much of a bench for 2024. Pickings are slim. Maybe Democrats will get lucky and another pandemic will come that allows their candidate to campaign for president from the comfort of the basement. It worked for Biden. It’s the best chance, perhaps the only chance, the Democrats have to win.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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