- The Washington Times - Thursday, April 13, 2023

Dylan Mulvaney is a man who pretends to be a woman and who, in this day and age of wrong being right and evil being good, has managed to win Bud Light and Nike brand ambassador-like favor for — and this is the truth — living a life of lies.

Mulvaney is not female. He’s male. The fact he won’t acknowledge that means he’s living a life of lies. Then came Bud Light and Nike, compounding the lie by enabling the liar and trying to force all of society to embrace the lie. Have you seen Mulvaney’s videos? Heavens to Betsy. This guy is job security for the psychologists of the world.

But enough is enough.

It’s bad enough that Mulvaney is getting head-patted, rather than head-shrunk. 

It’s even worse that real women of the world have to endure this guy’s widely shared video caricatures of female-ness. Mulvaney’s interpretations are nothing short of offensive. His portrayal of women is tripping toward misogyny. Real women don’t really spend their days donning athletic bras and leggings, plastering on grotesque smiles, then aerobically dancing like dolts. Genuine women don’t sit with their fellow fake female friends and wonder aloud, on a YouTube video, for all the world to watch, whether or not “girlhood” is “inspiring.”

Enough of the degradation to the fairer sex.

Note to Mulvaney: Women have careers and real-world concerns. Women care about politics and foreign affairs and policy matters and constitutional integrity. Women fight in the military — and women fight school boards — and women are ferocious fighters for the family. Women serve as judges in court; in high places of government; as firefighters and police officers, and college professors and doctors. Why, word is women these days actually do math. 

Yes, Mr. Mulvaney — and it is mister, not Miss — women actually have substance and depth and intelligence. 

Women don’t spend all their time flipping hair, skipping senselessly and talking in high-pitched, cutsie-coquettish voices with tightly drawn smiles on their faces. Well, maybe porn stars do. Maybe stupid girls do. But by and large, real women aren’t Barbie dolls.

Real women aren’t men.

Mulvaney, on the other hand, is a man.

The lies of the transgender movement are sweeping across America, causing chaos in girls dressing rooms, chaos in college sports, chaos to women’s rights. How can women seriously demand equal rights in a society that doesn’t know how to define women? And therein lies the reason for this continuation of transgender madness.

It’s the chaos that’s being embraced by the left.

Democrats, socialists, Marxists, collectivists know that with enough chaos comes collapse. And they know that once society collapses — once the family unit is destroyed — once the very foundational truths of humanity are decimated — then the doors open for Democrats, socialist, Marxist, collectivist takeover and seizure of power. 

Don’t for a minute think that leftists care about transgenders and transgender rights. The entire LGBTQ community already has equal rights. Leftists are simply exploiting the mental illness of those who populate the LGBTQ world for political purposes.

If it destroys womanhood in the process, so be it.

But again, enough is enough.

Mulvaney is a destructive force and an aberration of womanhood — of humanity itself.

God made male and female in His image. Count them. There are only two sexes. They are not interchangeable; they are not individual choices. If America will not insist on this simple truth, if Americans are too afraid to insist on this simple truth, then America, like Rome, will soon fall.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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