There have been over 140 mass shootings so far this year and per usual, it is gun control that is to blame (“23-year-old employee kills 5 in Louisville bank shooting, police say,” web, April 10).

Democratic policies have devastated our country.

President Biden and his disastrous administration have pitted race against race, secular against religious, criminals against the public, school administrations against parents and the Department of Justice and FBI against conservatives. The military has been eviscerated, and Democratic elected officials have focused all their energies on building a one-party ruling class.

It is not uncommon to hear Democratic elected officials calling on the people to ignore laws and attack those who have different beliefs. Mr. Biden and his DOJ have said that white nationalists are our biggest threat, while Black Lives Matter and antifa rioted for a full summer, causing billions of dollars in damage and 25 deaths. They made the Jan. 6 “shaman” the poster boy for evil when recently released videos showed him walking and talking with Capitol Police, who let him into the Senate chamber, where he delivered a prayer asking for the officers’ safety. Yet no one will say how many antifa, BLM and police informants took part in the Jan. 6 episode and may have contributed to the riot.

The latest atrocity being perpetrated on the American people is the transgender issue. The medical field is contributing to the anarchy by filling young with drugs and parading drag queens in school libraries.

No, it’s not the guns that are a problem; it’s the destruction of the American way of life.


Fairfax, Virginia

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