- The Washington Times - Thursday, September 8, 2022

The Food and Drug Administration, for the second time in as many seconds — so it seems, anyway — has OK’d a vaccine for the market without bothering to go through the normal human testing process.

There’s no doubt about it now. The FDA is actively putting at risk the health and lives of American citizens.

This time, monkeypox. Just a minute ago, the BA.5 omicron subvariant. ‘Round and ‘round and ‘round the FDA goes, where the human experimentation stops, nobody knows.

“The Jynneos vaccine [against monkeypox] was approved by the FDA with very, very little data compared to other vaccines, and absolutely no clinical efficacy data,” said Johns Hopkins’ International Vaccine Access Center Executive Director William Moss to Politico. “This is a very unusual circumstance.”

That’s one way of putting it. Another?

This is a very dangerous circumstance. The Danish manufacturer of Jynneos conducted trials in animals to see how it warded off monkeypox. But not in humans. Not. In. Humans. That means questions of safety and efficacy are utterly up in the air. That means the humans who get this shot are lab rats for Big Pharma. 

This is becoming a bit of a trend for the FDA.

On Aug. 30, NBC News wrote this: “The updated Covid vaccine boosters, a reformulated version targeting the BA.5 omicron subvariant … [will be] the first Covid shots distributed without results from human trials. … That means the Food and Drug Administration is relying on the mice trial data.”

It shouldn’t have to be stated that mice are not humans.

Why is the FDA so beholden to Big Pharma at the expense of the American citizen?

Look at this, from the FDA’s own government website — a section on the agency’s funding: “Human Drugs regulatory activities account for 33 percent of the FDA’s budget; 65 percent of these activities are paid for by industry user fees.”

What’s that?

“The Prescription Drug User Fee Act (PDUFA) was created by Congress in 1992 and authorizes FDA to collect fees from companies that produce certain human drug and biological products,” another FDA website entry states. That includes pills, vaccines and the like.

So those individuals who are seeking approval from the FDA to get their drugs to market — to sale — to the point of generating profits — are largely the very same individuals who are padding the agency’s own budget.

That would be called a glaring conflict of interest. One that relies heavily on taxpayers for funds, no less. Like the $3.9 billion that Joe Biden’s White House just requested of Congress to fight monkeypox, for example.

But calling out medical conflicts of interest is so gauche. After all, the leftists have successfully sold the idea that any government official and partner-of-government official in the business of making medical and health products for the public cannot, no way, no how, absolutely cannot be guilty of selfish ambition, and are only serving in the most altruistic of manners.

This brainwashing really kicked into high gear during the last couple of years of the coronavirus, when government bureaucrats ordered the nation into a complete standstill, using fear as a political weapon to seize individual liberties — and then followed that fear campaign by mandating government-approved medical treatments, i.e., never-before-used-in-humans mRNA shots, into the arms of nearly every man, woman and child in America — and then followed that mandate with threats and intimidation and continued seizure of liberties by way of punishments for those who refused to comply.

It’s why Bill Gates was anointed by the media as the savior of the coronavirus.

It’s why Anthony Fauci was given a pass by the pundit class for his obvious lack of scientific skills.

But to say the FDA is simply compromised by conflicts of interest and big money partnerships with private companies that care little for long-term (or even short-term!) medical safety hazards is to understate the matter.

The FDA is really quite evil.

This agency, in partnership with its evil twin, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, has been at the forefront of pushing shots onto the American people, all the while pretending these pushes have been for the benefit of all — and moreover, all the while, either tacitly or overtly, approving of the government-run clampdown on dissenting viewpoints; all the while, either directly or indirectly, participating in the cherry-picking of data and skewing of truthful science.

It’s time to disband the FDA.

FDA’s gamble on the new Covid boosters,” NBC News wrote in a sub-headline.

We’re not talking Las Vegas here. Let’s remember: The FDA’s “gamble” is human health. And any government agency so willing to treat the citizens it supposedly serves like lab rats and guinea pigs, for profit, is a government agency that has no business existing.

Time for the FDA to fold.

American citizens are quite capable of taking care of their own health and making their own medical decisions. 

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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