- The Washington Times - Sunday, September 4, 2022

Let’s journey back 35 years ago, almost to the day — and recall what then-President Ronald Reagan had to say about Labor Day on Sept. 7, 1987.

“Each year, at summer’s end, we pause to honor working men and women. Their labor, resourcefulness, and devotion to family and country have forged the freest, most prosperous nation the world has ever known. Their trades and occupations are countless, but with all their diversity they are one in commitment to the ideals of democracy and to the dream of a better life for themselves and for their children. In the pursuit of that American dream, every generation has proven anew the dignity of work and of working people,” Reagan advised in his public message for the day.

Labor Day provides all of us with an opportunity to reflect on the meaning of work not simply as an economic necessity but as an expression of deeper human qualities. We can be truly grateful that God has blessed our nation with an abundance which has permitted us to produce a vast quantity of goods for people around the world. But we must always remember that of all of our resources none is more valuable or important than the American worker. We rejoice in the fact that more of our citizens are working than ever before and that we continue to be a land of hope, energy, and opportunity,” the president noted.

“On this occasion, let us also remember the freedoms and the sacrifices that have made our abundance possible. We are heirs to a precious legacy, one that has taken centuries to build, and we must forever recognize that its preservation and increase are our glad task and solemn responsibility,” Reagan said.

Labor Day 2022

And while we’re at it, let’s visit the present too.

“Pause for a moment and remember: Every recovery has a lesson to teach. Here’s one for this Labor Day: Never bet against America’s workers,” noted Labor Secretary Marty Walsh, in a written statement issued Friday.

A little clarity

There was an interesting little exchange between Mike Emanuel, Fox News chief Washington correspondent, and Rep. Tom Emmer, Minnesota Republican and the chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee — that’s the NRCC for short.

Their conversation took place on “Fox News Sunday,” — and here’s a portion.

“Have you or your team at the NRCC recommended to any Republicans that they distance themselves from former President Trump?” asked Mr. Emanuel.

“Absolutely not. He has been a fantastic ally of ours, especially when it comes to fundraising. And our candidates, again, what we tell them is you know your districts, you know how to run to the people that are going to be voting for you in November. And I am convinced that when people vote, they are going to ask the question, am I better off today than I was two years ago? And they’re going to say overwhelming, no,” the lawmaker continued.

“Prices are out of control, my security is in jeopardy, it’s time for a change. And they’re going to vote in a new Republican majority,” the congressman concluded.

For the lexicon

“Divide and clunker.”

This handy phrase comes from New York Post columnist Michael Goodwin, who wrote an essay headlined “President Joe Biden’s divide and clunker approach.”

Mr. Goodwin was referring to Mr. Biden’s speech to the nation on Thursday in which he advised that “equality and democracy are under assault” and that former President Donald Trump and his fans “represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our Republic.”

Yes, well.

Mr. Goodwin pondered that speech, and explored the potential fallout of Mr. Biden’s words.

“How did Biden fall so far so fast? And what led him to insist on such a dreadful spectacle? The short answer is desperation. Biden’s presidency is a nonstop disaster, with even its legislative successes becoming drivers of the highest inflation in 40 years. His failures, from Afghanistan to rising crime to the open southern border, have weakened America’s global standing and created domestic debacles,” Mr. Goodwin wrote.

“The problem is that the content was so dark and uninspiring that it lacked the gravitas of a memorable presidential address and came off as just another campaign broadside,” he later noted.

“The result of Biden’s unforced error is that he probably turned off as many voters as he stimulated and might have blunted his recent poll momentum,” Mr. Goodwin said.

Never a dull moment

Some interesting news from Tucker County, West Virginia. Local TV station WBOY reports that an electric vehicle broke down right in front of the Mettiki Coal access road, not far from the town of Davis.

“Luckily, a group of local coal miners were happy to help,” the station advised, citing an account by West Virginia state Sen. Randy Smith, a Republican, who documented the noteworthy event on his official Facebook page.

“So here are five coal miners pushing a battery car to the coal mine to charge up,” Mr. Smith wrote, noting that mounds of coal were visible in the background while the vehicle was charging.

“Smith said he was glad that the group of miners from his company was able to help out because they likely wouldn’t have been able to get a tow truck in a place that remote. Despite the recent controversy with coal power and the push toward alternatives that are more energy efficient like electric cars, the group was happy to help,” said WBOY, which is a local affiliate of both NBC and ABC, and is owned by NextStar Media Group.

“Shows even though they aren’t crazy about electric cars they still have a good heart and treat people with respect and would help anyone in need,” the station advised, noting that one member of the rescue group even dropped off a ‘Friend of Coal’ license plate to the drivers before he headed home for the day.

Poll du jour

• 49% of U.S. adults describe their summer this year as “average.”

• 27% say they had a “good summer.”

• 15% say they had a “bad summer.”

• 5% say they had the “worst summer ever.”

• 3% say they had the “best summer ever.”

Source: A YouGov poll of 1,500 U.S. adults conducted Aug. 28-30.

Have a pleasant Labor Day and thank you for reading Inside the Beltway.

• Jennifer Harper can be reached at jharper@washingtontimes.com.

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