- The Washington Times - Friday, September 30, 2022

Hey, did you hear the one about the president at the press conference who called on the dead person to come forward?

China did.

Russia, too. And Iran and North Korea and all the anti-American types in global governments gunning for the demise of the United States — they all did, as well.

All of America’s enemies know President Joe Biden sees dead people. All of America’s allies are wondering if they can count on defense and support from a president who sees dead people.

Biden’s mental decline is unfolding right before our eyes. 

Can you say national security?

Biden calls out for late Rep. Jackie Walorski at White House hunger event,” NPR wrote.

Biden’s exact words, uttered in the middle of his remarks, were this: “Jackie, are you here? Where’s Jackie? She was going to be here.”

The White House rushed to cover. The White House — get this — rushed to cover the fact that the president of the United States didn’t seem to comprehend that Jackie wasn’t there because Jackie was deceased.

As NPR noted, the official White House transcript of the conference cited Biden as saying he “didn’t think she was — she wasn’t going to be here — to help make this a reality.” That’s gaslighting. But the gold star for gaslighting goes to none other than press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, who explained away Biden’s call to the deceased by saying Jackie was just on his mind.

‘Cause that’s what people do when they think of dead people — they call for them, in public settings, amid public speeches, so they can publicly thank them for their service. 

Not strange at all.

Nothing to see here at all. 

Except dead people, apparently.

Maybe that’s why he walked off aimlessly from a lectern just hours later, amid delivering remarks at FEMA headquarters — he was following dead people.

“Watch: Biden Wanders Off Aimlessly As FEMA Director Tries to Get His Attention,” the Independent Journal Review wrote, above this opening graph: “President Joe Biden’s bizarre behavior is continuing for a second day in a row.”

Yes. Watch — watch the wind-up president as he goes. Watch as he reaches out his hand to shake air. Watch as he wanders away from the podium during his wife’s speech. Watch as he wanders around the stage at a White House “pride” event. 

Biden wanders …” says Yahoo.

Biden wanders around aimlessly …” says Air.TV.

Biden Wanders Aimlessly …” says C-SPAN.org.

Biden wanders off …” says TikTok Search.

Good Lord, if Joe Biden were Donald Trump, the media would be demanding mental competency tests every week. But this is Joe Biden, and this is the Democrat Party, and this is the leftist-controlled media that carries water for Biden and the Democrat Party — so the coverage is mostly of the guffaw style, as in “oh Joe, you old rascal, you.”

But Taiwan probably isn’t thinking that.

Neither is Israel.

It’s one thing for a president to forget he’s president and call his vice president the president. More than once. It’s one thing for a president to speak incomprehensibly at press conferences, on the world stage, before media, both domestic and foreign. More than once. It’s one thing for a guy who’s running for president to botch a recitation of the most famous line from the Declaration of Independence, forgetting for all the nation to see — and then go on and actually win the White House months later.

“We hold these truths to be self-evident,” he said at a March 2020 campaign rally in Texas. “All men and women are created, by the, you know, you know the thing.”

That’s bad enough.

But when a president starts calling on dead people at a press conference — come on now. That’s the final straw.

We can’t have the person who’s supposed to be the most powerful individual in the world wandering off stage, shaking unseeable hands, calling on the deceased. Those aren’t gaffes. Those are signs of complete mental incompetence.

Biden shouldn’t so much be in the White House as in full-time hospital care and observation. It’s the compassionate thing to do for him; it’s the national security thing to do for the country.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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