- The Washington Times - Thursday, September 29, 2022

Democratic Sen. Amy Klobuchar, just hours before one of Florida’s worst weather events was due to strike, said of her party’s work on climate change: “That’s why we’ve got to win this as that hurricane bears down on Florida. We’ve got to win in the midterms.”

Never let a crisis go to waste? How about never let human misery go to waste — that’s the Democratic Party’s new tagline.

The left is becoming despicably good at that.

Every time there’s a school shooting, make way for the Democrats to rally for Second Amendment clampdowns.

Now it seems every time there’s an adverse weather event, here come the Democrats to finger-wag about environmentalism and the need to regulate, regulate, regulate. The Democrats — and the media.

“Climate Change is Helping to Rapidly Turbocharge Storms Like Hurricane Ian,” Time just wrote.

“Hurricane Ian is a peek into the future,” Politico just wrote.

“Hurricane Ian intensifies into a monster with climate markings,” E&E News’ ClimateWire just wrote.

“Hurricane Ian,” E&E went on, “[is] a reminder of the ways climate change is transforming tropical cyclones. Hurricanes are expected to rapidly intensify more often and potentially at faster rates as the planet continues to warm. That means storms like Ian may become more common in the coming decades.”

Expected — as in expectedly; as in possibly. Potentially. May become. Ahh, yes, the language of modern science. It’s reminiscent of Anthony Fauci coronavirus days and his gloom and doom predictions of what may happen if citizens don’t listen to him and lock down; or what could be expected to occur if people don’t bow to his guidelines and hop to his ever-changing dictates, oops, recommendations; or what potentially might befall humanity if his policy pushes went unheeded. 

I am science — Fauci declared, with about the most declarative statement he issued his entire two-plus years atop the COVID-19 policy mountain.

Now come the Hurricane Ian prognosticators from the same school of science. 

And they’re typically wrong — but shamelessly, so. Once their mistake becomes clear, they move on to the next, barely missing a beat, hardly missing a night’s sleep, gaslighting merrily away.

“50 Years of Failed Doomsday, Eco-Apocalyptic Predictions; the So-called ‘experts’ Are 0-50,” reported the American Enterprise Institute in 2019.

From the essay: “Modern doomsayers have been predicting climate and environmental disaster since the 1960s. They continue to do so today. None of the apocalyptic predictions with due dates as of today have come true.”

Among the worst chicken little moments, as recorded by AEI: in 2014, it was “only 500 days before ‘climate chaos’”; in 1970, it was “world will use up all its natural resources”; in 2006, it was all about the “super hurricanes”; in 2009, it was the United Kingdom prime minister’s 50-day countdown to “save the planet from catastrophe”; in 2005, it was “Manhattan underwater by 2015.”

And then there’s the current 12 years deadline we’re currently facing — the one where Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, New York Democrat, warns of world devastation if we don’t take care of climate change right now, right here, right away.

So how do they get away with such decades of deceits?

“Al Gore’s Investment Firm Unveils $1.7 Billion Sustainable Fund,” Bloomberg just reported this May. 

Generation Investment Management is a $36 billion investment firm co-founded by Gore — Gore, the original greenie, who stumbled on to the money-making potential of environmentalism in the 1990s. The new $1.7 billion fund within Management’s firm is to address the “sustainability revolution, [which will have] the magnitude of the industrial revolution and the speed of the digital revolution,” according to Management’s Lila Preston, head of growth equity, to Bloomberg.

Add to that the cooperation of many in the political world, and bam — mandates plus money make the green world go ‘round. 

The climate change alarmists get away with their lies because there’s lots of money to be made from the lies.

“Al Gore Continues to Profit Off of the Climate Alarmism,” EELegal.org wrote in June.

So do all his partners in crime.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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