- The Washington Times - Tuesday, September 27, 2022

A school in Newburyport, Massachusetts, has made available to students via its library shelves a book called “This Book is Gay,” with a subject matter that teaches how to use online sex apps.

Subtitle it “porn for kiddies.”

A few years ago, this would’ve been considered criminal. Nowadays, it’s labeled enlightened — at least, by the leftists who push such porn. It’s enough to make NAMBLA, the North American Man/Boy Love Association, proud.

This is a group that used to be considered fringe but is now, rapidly and alarmingly, growing more mainstream. Its members call its membership’s mission to legalize pedophilia a “cause.” And as a handy-dandy primer to help normalize the notion of men having sex with little boys even further, the NAMBLA site posts some cartoons from a “locked-up” cartoonist.

From NAMBLA: “Christopher is our resident cartoonist. But sadly not resident where we would like him to be. He is locked-up in one of America’s many gulags where he manages to produce some terrific cartoons where we are pleased to make available to our readers. Chris’ series of adventures Roundhouse Rex, The Kickbutt Kid, needs support if it is to continue. Chris is anxious to know if his work is being appreciated.”

Among his works?

Cartoons aimed at normalizing the idea of adults having sex with minor-age girls and boys, including references to notable male figures through history who were reportedly sexually attracted to young boys.

Pushing pedophilia, one colorful kiddie picture at a time.

“From Gay Marriage to Normalizing Pedophilia in 9 years,” the Family Policy Institute of Washington wrote in December 2021.

That was after a professor at Old Dominion University pulled out the term “minor-attracted persons,” or “MAPS,” as the new term for pedophiles — so as not to offend the pedophiles, you see.

We’ve got drag queen story hour, in public libraries and public school systems. We’ve got parents taking their kids into bars for drag queen strip shows. We’ve got books in school libraries teaching kids how to have sex, how to engage in oral sex, how men have sex with men and women have sex with women, and how all that — and more — is normal and acceptable and those who say otherwise are intolerant haters. That doesn’t even get into the pro-transgender nonsense being fed through schools into little kids’ minds as just another choice, just another decision. What sweater should I wear today? What sex should I be today?

All that’s hypersexualizing youth.

All that’s working to dehumanize humanity by teaching that humans are akin to animals, soulless and without higher purpose, most definitely without accountability to a higher power.

“First Lady Jill Biden dismisses parent concern over inappropriate books in school libraries,” American Experiment wrote, about an NBC “Today” show interview during which Biden was asked about inappropriately sexually explicit books in schools.

“All books should be in the library,” Biden said.

“All books. This is America,” she said. “We don’t ban books.”

A curious response, given there’s no talk of actually banning these books, only choosing carefully which are allowed in public schools. But such is today’s left. Such is the tolerance of today’s left. Spin, then dodge. Deceive, then duck.

We’re practically one step away from becoming an Afghanistan and training boys to become sex toys for the rich and powerful — and selling the idea that sex work is glamorous and freeing, even for little kids.

Honestly, fighting the sexualization of our nation’s youth should be a no-brainer; it should cross all political bounds, across all ages, across all races and ethnic identities. Most in America get that. Most in America get that kids should remain innocent as long as possible, and that hypersexualization of minors leads to whole hosts of psychological and medical problems ranging from low self-esteem to the spread of sexual diseases. Most get that.

But many who identify as Democrats don’t. Many who align themselves with Democratic Party principles don’t.

In the end, though, normalizing pedophilia doesn’t make it any less evil.

Mainstreaming the sexualization of children doesn’t make it any less satanic.

“It would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck and he were cast into the sea than that he should cause one of these little ones to sin,” Luke 17 teaches that Jesus told his disciples.

Leftists may try as they might. But they will never overthrow truth or escape judgment. And the consequences for harming the innocent are dire — and that goes for a nation that tolerates the evil of individuals, as well.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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