- The Washington Times - Tuesday, September 27, 2022

A doctor who was initially on board with the COVID-19 vaccination program and widespread use of the novel mRNA shots has now called on health officials to stop administrating the shots. At least, for the time being, said British cardiologist Aseem Malhotra. At least for two of the most commonly administered shots — from Pfizer and the Moderna.


Because of what he called a “sobering” study that showed those who were given those shots faced a high risk of serious health impacts, he said in his report, “Curing the pandemic of misinformation on Covid-19 mRNA vaccines through REAL evidence-based medicine,” published in the peer review international Journal of Insulin Resistance.

“The conclusions are quite sobering,” he said.

“In the non-elderly population,” he said, “the numbers needed to treat to prevent one Covid death run into the thousands. Re-analysis of randomized control trial data from both Moderna and Pfizer reveals one is more likely to suffer a serious adverse event from the Covid-19 vaccines than to be hospitalized with Covid-19.”

As for “cardiovascular safety” — heart attacks “specifically related to [one] vaccine and not related to COVID” have been shown to be an issue for those specifically between the ages of 16 and 39 in an Israel study, he said

Calling Anthony Fauci.

Or, as it would seem, calling 9-1-1.

This is exactly why Americans should always maintain the right to decide their own personal medical treatments.

These mRNA shots were experimental — despite the government medical bureaucrats and politicians insisting they weren’t. And that means those who took these shots were actually serving as test subjects for Big Pharma. Guinea pigs. Lab rats.

What’s more, that means those who were forced to take these shots as conditions of maintaining employment — both civilian and military — should be granted immediate grounds for court action.

Nurses and medical personnel who were pushed from their jobs because they refused to take the shots ought to be immediately given back their positions, with back pay. Private sector employees who’ve been targeted for harassment, targeted for reassignment, targeted even for firing because of their reluctance and refusal to take the shots should be immediately granted apologies and a return to workplace, pre-pandemic, pre-COVID shot normalcies.

Members of the military who’ve been forced to inject against their will ought to be given financial compensation if they experience adverse health impacts; members who’ve been forced to separate from service because of their refusal to take the shots should be given immediate returns to service, with restoration of full rank and pay, along with back pay.

Congress should address the issue by passing legislation making sure forced vaccinations of American citizens can never again occur as conditions of private-sector employment. And — this is the biggie — legislators should also pass laws making sure pharmaceuticals are quickly and easily financially accountable to those who are harmed from their shots.

No more seeming partnerships between politicians and medical bureaucrats and pharmaceuticals that exploit the fears of the American people by forcing medical treatments into the bodies of those who have little to no choice, and that enrich the pockets of the politicians and medical bureaucrats and pharmaceutical executives at the risk of the citizens.

It’s called Lessons Learned.

American citizens are not lab rats for the vaccine pushers.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

For more information, visit The Washington Times COVID-19 resource page.

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