- Tuesday, September 27, 2022

A cold and possibly long winter lays ahead of us. While I have not consulted my farmer’s almanac, I can forecast that any federal energy policies that rush to “green” by picking winners and losers in the energy marketplace will be in for a long and cold winter one highlighted by blackouts and gas shortages. The administration’s top-down approach toward energy policy will have serious and harmful effects on our nation. Energy technologies that have demonstrated that they are resilient and capable of operating in inclement weather should be a top priority for policy makers.

Since February, America has witnessed the reluctance of our European allies to come to the aid of Ukraine. And when European countries, such as Germany, did finally condemn Putin’s regime for its malicious invasion of Ukraine, their rhetoric was relatively muted. It can be gleaned that Germany, a nation that imports large amounts of Russian gas and oil, could not afford to harshly condemn a neighbor that helps keep the lights and heat on. Misguided energy policies in Germany have resulted in Germany becoming the supplicant of Russia. Therefore, energy policy is so critical, and even more critical that we get it right.

In a misguided rush to drastically lower carbon emissions, the European Union (EU) outsourced all their energy production to Russia and surrendered their sovereignty in the process. Nations within the EU reasoned that the advent of the green economy was imminent. Soon every home would be powered by wind and solar. Unfortunately, despite generous subsidies, mandates, and the criminalization of oil and gas exploration on the continent, renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar, have yet to demonstrate that they are able to be reliable contributors. Any energy production system that is reliant on sunny days and gales of wind is not logical. I doubt there is anyone who does not expect their fridge to work on cloudy days or windless mornings.

If we truly want to reach carbon neutrality and assist our EU allies from being held hostage by Russia, American energy technology and products must become a global solution.

It is no secret that Russia and China are working to supplant America’s energy leadership and fuel the world’s energy needs with their dirty energy production. America cannot afford to cede its leadership to our adversaries. While solar panels have their benefits, 60% of the value of solar panels sold in the United States comes from China alone. Federal policy should promote domestically sourced energy products, not those made by our adversaries.

American resources have not evaporated overnight. The Permian Basin has not run dry, the Keystone Pipeline XL could be back on the path to completion by the stroke of the President’s pen, and America could slash carbon emissions by Congress upholding its promise with Yucca Mountain.

The solutions proposed by the Democratic controlled Congress are not workable. Their “solutions” will result in the United States becoming reliant on Russian gas, Saudi Arabian oil, and Chinese solar panels and batteries.

Several times over the past year, President Biden traveled overseas to beg with adversaries to increase oil production, all the while selling millions of barrels from our Strategic Petroleum Reserve in a naked political ploy to deflate gas prices before November.

Most recently hidden within the American Inflation Reduction Act was $370 billion worth of Green New Deal policies, threatening our national and energy security. It is unclear why this administration decided energy dependence is better than energy independence. Democrats further attack American energy producers by taxing natural gas production. This tax will affect nearly every corner of our economy as natural gas is used in heating, manufacturing, and electricity generation. A natural gas tax will have you paying more to warm your home, cook your food, and at the checkout counter.

It is astonishing that Democrats also think hardworking Americans will appreciate footing the bill as the wealthy purchase and charge their next Tesla or Mercedes EQS via lucrative tax credits. While the innovation in the automotive sector should be encouraged, middle class Americans should not be footing the bill. It is legislative malpractice for the federal government to create incentives that reduce America’s energy independence.

The Democrats’ reckless spending, poor planning, and short sightedness will set our country up for failure reducing our energy security, our global leadership, and our environmental impacts. America must not allow itself to become dependent to our adversaries to supply our energy needs. It is only through American energy leadership and independence that we can ensure our national security, more jobs at home, and a cleaner environment.

• U.S. Representative Michael C. Burgess, M.D., Texas Republican, serves on the House Energy and Commerce Committee, House Rules Committee, and House Budget Committee. He represents the state’s 26th Congressional District and is the most senior medical doctor in the House.

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