- The Washington Times - Friday, September 23, 2022

So House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy has unveiled a new Republican guiding document called the “Commitment to America” and kind of reminding of House Speaker Newt Gingrich’s days, when it was the “Contract with America.”

Well and good. Good and well. But the best commitment Republicans could make is to recognize the God-given rights that each and every American is supposedly afforded.

And not just recognize them — but fight for them. Tooth and nail. To death, if necessary.

That is the foundation of American Exceptionalism, after all.

McCarthy’s agenda speaks to a strong economy, national security, a future “built on freedom” and a government that’s accountable to the people. (Come to think of it, these are some of the same principles already in play, in the Constitution of the United States. But that’s to digress.)

“We want an economy that is strong,” McCarthy said, in a recent speech laying out the bullet points of his party’s plan. “That means you can fill up your tank. You can buy the groceries. You have enough money left over to go to Disneyland and save for a future — that the paychecks grow, they no longer shrink.”

Sounds good. 

“We have a plan for a nation that’s safe,” he went on. “That means your community will be protected, your law enforcement will be respected. Your criminals will be prosecuted. We believe in a future that’s built on freedom — that your children come first.”

Sounds good, too.

Maybe take out the part about the children coming first — after all, adults know best. Shouldn’t it be adults first, then children? (But that’s to digress, once again.)

Anyhow: It’s all good.

It’s always good when politicians decide to get together and fight for liberties for a nation that’s supposed to be free, and for economic freedom for nation that’s supposed to be capitalistic. 

But on the other hand: Aren’t Republicans already supposed to be fighting for these principles?

Democrats are the ones who want higher taxes, more clamps on freedoms, open borders, fewer police. Republicans have traditionally been the voices for border control, law and order, lower taxes, individual rights and liberties.

So in a way, McCarthy’s saying the Republicans, with this new campaign, are committing to what they’ve traditionally, as a party, been committed to advancing — only this time, they really, really mean it?

The best thing Republicans can say to win the hearts and minds of patriotic Americans is they will fight for God-given liberties, they will stand true to the Constitution in all its limited government glory, and they will stop making concessions with Democrats and pretending like it’s for the good of the country.

God-given liberties are the foundation upon which American Exceptionalism is built.

And inherent to that concept is all that McCarthy vows his party will now bring — accountability; liberty; sovereignty and national security; and yes, even concern for the children in terms of keeping the nation free. 

Less show, more fight.

Fewer words, more action.

A true commitment to God-given individual liberties is evident in politicians who serve with humility — who don’t stand on stages and deliver lofty promises based on vows to give out certain rights; who don’t promise to deliver what they have no rightful role in either giving or taking.

McCarthy’s package is a good starting point, a good rally cry, a good point of focus for the party. But it still falls short of what America needs to maintain its exceptionalism and its individual liberties.

It’s God-given or bust: that’s the key to America’s long-term liberties for the individual. And that’s what every Republican should be shouting from their congressional rooftops.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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