I am a former elected Democratic Party precinct committeeman and a former elected delegate to my state’s Democratic Party nominating convention. I am not a supporter of Joe Biden or his policies.

I’m an American first and a Democrat second. On Sept. 1 in Philadelphia Biden gave a speech in which he called Trump supporters fascists. His speech proved that he does not know what fascism is. 

Adolph Hitler led the National Socialist German Workers Party in Germany. That was a fascist group. What did they do?  How did they behave? They took guns away from Jewish people and anyone who disagreed with them. They called these people “enemies” of the government and the country. They took control of all news media and forbid anyone to question the government or spread views that differed from the official government positions. 

None of that sounds like Trump or MAGA supporters, who call for respecting the Constitution and our constitutional rights. 

Biden, his Democrats and their lap-dog media have done everything possible to silence those who question them and their motives, particularly when it comes to Hunter Biden’s financial ties to Red China and the truth about the harm done by the COVID-19 vaccination.

It is the words, actions and policies of Joe Biden and his Democrats which resembles the fascism of the National Socialist German Workers Party and Adolph Hitler. 


Dyer, Indiana 

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