Biden’s so called “Soul of the Nation” speech last week is just the latest example of a corrupt career politician who desperately wants Americans to ignore the dystopian catastrophe his presidency represents. His wordy dissembling does nothing to bring Americans together, as he promised to do when he took office, and in fact represents yet more snarky prevarication.

It is pathetic to hear Biden talk about togetherness and unity. Along with the anti-American, far-left kakistocracy that has taken control of the Democratic Party, he and his henchmen have torn the country asunder through their ceaseless efforts to destroy the true soul of America.

To hear Biden him speak of “saving” the nation’s soul while simultaneously vilifying at least half of America’s citizens is emetic. Veracity and compassion have never been among Biden’s attributes and this latest nonsense does nothing to change that reality.

Yonkers, New York

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