- The Washington Times - Monday, September 19, 2022

Virginia’s Republican-controlled Department of Education put out new guidelines that would force students to use the bathrooms and changing areas that correspond with their birth sex, and that would also require legal documentation to be filed for those who want to force others to play their pronoun preference game.

Finally. Some sanity being restored to public schooling.

Now comes the backlash from the lunatic LGBTQ fringe and their partners in Democrat politics and the media.

“Virginia has moved to restrict the rights of trans students in its public schools,” blasted NPR in one particularly pro-LGBTQ biased headline.

Umm. Not really. In fact — not at all.

It’s not restricting rights when those rights don’t rightly exist in the first place — and in fact, were just given a few months ago by a few far leftists in government. We’re not talking skin color discrimination here. We’re talking the normalization of a psychological disorder — and the ensuing exploitation of that disorder by wicked leftists in politics, media and special interest groups.

“Trans kids deserve to learn and thrive in an environment free of bullying, intimidation and fear,” said Mike Mullin, Democrat member of the House of Delegates in Virginia, on Twitter. “That means being addressed as who they are and supported for who they will be. Especially from their teachers and their administrators.”

Look at what leftists have done to common sense and truth.

Birth sex is about as absolute as absolutes come — and yet Democrats have to fight even that absolute.

The newly issued “Model Policies” additionally include language that demands schools “keep parents fully informed about all matters” related to their children — and here’s the kicker that will drive the Democrats crazy: that schools and teachers and teachers’ unions cannot “encourage or instruct teachers to conceal material information about a student from the student’s parents, including information related to gender,” the policy states.

Ostensibly, that means if a boy pretending to be a girl goes into a girl’s bathroom and sexually assaults a real, genuine girl, that school district superintendents and staffers cannot hide the crime from investigators and parents. No, not even if that fake boy pretending to be a girl changes schools and does the same crime against a real, genuine girl once again — no, not even then. Loudoun County, are you listening?

Youngkin campaigned on a promise of restoring some semblance of sanity to Virginia’s public schools, which went out of whack under the previous Democrat governor, Ralph Northam, and his enabling political assistants in the state legislature, all who pushed for and achieved policies that furthered the LGBTQ agenda in bathrooms, in dressing rooms, with pronoun choices and so forth.

Now, times have changed.

Now, voters changed those times.

Virginia parents got sick and tired of the crazy and said at the ballot boxes, “No more.”

That the legislature hasn’t yet codified these “Model Policies” and instead, booted to the Department of Education to issue guidance that can be ignored — that will be ignored by the Democrat dominated school districts — only shows that more work needs to be done to reel in an agenda that at root, bucks truth, bucks sanity and bucks God. It’s God, after all, who creates the sexes and ordains the family unit.

And in the end, that’s what this whole transgender, LGBTQ, gay rights, gay marriage, pronoun selection, sex-is-fluid-and-ever-changing movement is all about: bucking God.

Fighting God.

Rebelling against God.

And removing God from government.

And then? And then America falls to Marxism. And then the Democrats can crow their wins.

This is why the LGBTQ agenda is so dangerous. It’s a battle, as President Joe Biden himself might say, for the soul of America.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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