President Biden wants Americans to believe  he is concerned for the soul of our country (“Forgetting Biden’s propaganda and his unity summits,” Web, Sept. 18). Is he talking about the God-given immortal soul that his Catholic faith believes is found in every human life? If so, does he believe every unborn child has an immortal soul? If he replies yes to that, then when does he think that soul becomes one with the body? If he says no, he would be committing a mortal sin according to Catholic belief and could be refused holy communion.

These two positions concerning souls are related. Neither comes from deeply held principle, patriotism or religious belief. Biden is doing what he believes will help his political party in the midterms and the next general election. If he says that an unborn child has an immortal soul, he will lose the pro-abortion votes.

This is a man without a hint of intellectual integrity, whose word can be neither believed nor trusted. This is a man who is often speaking words  others have told him to say, a man who believes that demonizing Americans who do not share his beliefs is the right way to govern. This is a man who speaks fantasy as though it were fact.

If you believe in an immortal soul, you should pray for Biden, who is in danger of tarnishing his soul.


Fredericksburg, Virginia 

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