- The Washington Times - Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Half of Republicans and almost a third of Democrats believe America is hurtling toward catastrophe — specifically, a civil war, according to a new YouGov poll.

Well, with a Democratic Party like this one — of course.

Just after turning the corner on yet another somber Sept. 11 remembrance, America is treated to this, from Rep. Pramila Jayapal of Washington state, on her congressional Twitter feed: “Today we remember the 2,996 people who were killed on 9/11 and all those who lost their lives while serving our country in the forever wars that followed.”

Nice. Except her fatality totals included the 19 terrorists who died during the attack they themselves started. Do we include the counts of Japanese who died during the attack on Pearl Harbor when we talk about death totals? No. No we do not. ‘Cause we don’t loop together aggressors with victims. Talk about anti-American.

But this is the quality of today’s Democrats. 

And that is the reason why it’s easy to believe “two in five Americans believe a civil war is at least somewhat likely in the U.S. within the next decade,” YouGovAmerica just wrote.

That’s why it’s feasible to see, too, that 40% believe a civil war between Republicans and Democrats is either very or somewhat likely; 32% believe a civil war is likely between red and blue states; and 39% doubt America will remain a democratic society in the next few years. So what will be the new America? Some say fascist; others, communist. But it’s apparent: America is in trouble.

“In terms of the possibility of a civil war, Republicans are likelier than Democrats to believe there will be one between members of each party (45% vs. 35%) or between people from red and blue states (36% vs. 13%),” YouGovAmerica wrote. “Democrats are slightly more likely than Republicans to believe there will be a war between the poor and rich (37% vs. 25%) or between cities and rural areas (23% vs. 20%). Democrats and Republicans are equally likely (31%) to expect a civil war between racial groups.”

This is the country President Biden promised to unite, both on the campaign trail and from the podium of his White House position.

He’s failed.

He’s failing.

And it’s Democrats who are tearing about the country, as they go about busily tearing apart any semblance of traditional, normal, constitutional, virtuous, principled and-or proper.

It’s the left that wants boys to be able to be girls simply by stating so.

It’s the left that wants teachers and trained socialist-minded propaganda experts to have control over the nation’s kids, not parents.

It’s the left that wants to sell out American Exceptionalism for China expansion, in large part by pushing and passing a massively expensive and impossibly burdensome green energy policy that gifts the communist owners of rare earth minerals tons of U.S. tax dollars — and tons more.

It’s the Democrats who’ve raised inflation to decades-high levels; hiked fuel costs; called for defunding and ridiculously reform police; stripped, through their ineptitude, store shelves of basic necessities, like baby formula; pitted Donald Trump as Public Enemy Number One — so as to shut down dissenting political debates and discussions; weaponized the federal law enforcement agencies to blatantly violate the due process clause of the Constitution, while searching the home of a former president of the United States — unprecedented in itself; and hired 87,000 more IRS agents as intimidation forces for the lower-income and middle-income earners — not to mention conservative church communities. Just in time for election time, no less.

Civil war?

Democrats, for years, have barely disguised their disgust for America and their scorn for patriotic American citizens. That disgust has only deepened under Biden; that scorn has only turned uglier under this White House leadership. The disgust and scorn that was once whispered have gone open. They’ve turned to blood-red backdropped messaging with parade-rest Marines serving as exclamation points. They’ve turned into vicious catcalls leading to actionable attacks against all-things-conservative, and especially against all-things-MAGA.

So civil war?

The bigger surprise is it’s not here now.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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