On the anniversary of 9/11, President Biden spoke at the Pentagon and called for a renewal of the sense of unity that Americans had on that grim day, coupled with a few weeks of no political discourse.

“In the midst of those dark days we dug deep,” said Biden. “We cared for each other and we came together. We regained the light of reaching out to one another and finding something all too rare, a true sense of national unity. To me, that’s the greatest lesson of September 11.”

I disagree with President Biden on the greatest lesson of 9/11. To me, that day’s greatest lesson by far was that we had to eliminate national security risks before they metastasize on our shores.

President Biden, through sheer incompetence and negligence, has set us up for a catastrophic terrorist attack that would cost millions of lives in a day of horror that would make 9/11 look like a Sunday picnic.

Thanks to Biden, the U.S. left $85 billion of sophisticated military equipment behind in Afghanistan. What’s to prevent the America-hating Taliban from bartering these coveted goods with a rogue state in exchange for weapons of mass destruction? With the Biden-created wide-open border rolling out the red carpet for anyone to enter, what’s to prevent these WMD-armed jihadists from engineering a widespread chemical and/or biological terrorist attack that kills millions of Americans in our largest population centers?

You got to hand it Biden. He yearns for national unity and he put into motion the dynamics to make it as easy as possible for that to happen, via terrorist attack.


Medford, N.Y.

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