- The Washington Times - Monday, September 12, 2022

China just announced it was planning three missions to the moon after discovering a new mineral, Changesite-(Y), that could be the future of the world’s energy.

President Joe Biden?

Oh, well, he’s busily attacking Donald Trump supporters and calling out certain conservatives in America as enemies of the state and dangers to society and such. So there is that.

It’s almost as if Team Biden were working hand-in-hand with the Chinese to benefit — the Chinese.

“China Plans More Moon Missions After Finding New Lunar Mineral,” Bloomberg wrote.

China discovers new mineral — and a possible energy source — on the Moon,” New Atlas wrote.

“Lunar Exploration: Senior officials says moon samples key breakthrough in China’s space scientific research,” CGTN wrote.

“Big Discovery On Moon! China Claims Becoming 3rd Country Ever To Discover A New Mineral On The Lunar Surface,” The Eurasian Times wrote.

True? Not true?

On the fast-moving stage of geo-politics, perception plays a big role in shaping policy. The one who shows as strongest is almost the same, in many instances, as saying it is strongest. That used to be America; that used to be America’s given. Everybody wanted to know what America thought, what America was doing, what America would think and do, as pre-conditions of forming their own sovereign judgments. 

Thanks be to Biden, America’s been slipping in that role.

Remember this? 

“American Prestige Left Stranded in Afghanistan,” as Europac noted in August of 2021.

How about this?

“U.S. dollar losing its reserve currency luster as greenback’s share of global reserves hits 25-year low,” as Kitco News wrote in May of 2021.

That piece went on to state how the “reach of the U.S. dollar as the global reserve currency is declining as central banks around the world reduce the share of U.S. dollar reserves, according to the International Monetary Fund.”

Then there’s always this — the go-to Joe Biden special: “The world is ‘laughing’ at Joe Biden,” from Sky News Australia in September of 2021, and “Biden gaffe at G-7 summit sparks laughter from world leaders,” from The New York Post in June of 2021, and “Biden shakes hands with thin air after North Carolina speech,” from The New York Post in April 2022.

Make it stop.

But it’s the Biden climate change bill that gives somewhere in the neighborhood of $370-to-$400 billion of tax dollars for emissions-cutting endeavors that really bites the big one. The more Biden pushes electric vehicles, the more China cheers. The more Biden pushes alternative energy sources, the more China goes cha-ching. 

Most of the rare earth elements for electric vehicles, wind turbines and other green energy products are controlled by China.

The more America moves green, the more powerful and influential China grows — and the weaker and less influential America becomes.

America used to be the nation of space exploration, of energy dominance and independence — of creativity and dare-to-dream ingenuity and ambition.

“As the space race between China and the United States intensifies, Chinese scientists have made a key discovery on the moon that could catapult it to an elite group of countries that only includes the US and Russia,” the Eurasian Times wrote.

Expect more headlines, more news reports, like that under this Biden Administration.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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