People are sheep, and there is a reason for it: survival. Christ didn’t mean it as an insult. The point is, people take cues after each other first, then when they come to an end point, they reflect. So is Joe Biden as wise as the minister who once said the way to get a congregation to work together is to put the church in debt? It sounds kind of like what Joe’s doing on a national level. Enumerate his flops. He has set the bar so low that even Joy Reid can see them. All Joe has to do is at least pretend to make amends.

Biden will go down as our worst president — or will he go down as our most brilliant for successfully manipulating us? Here’s what we need to do: Get out of the corrupt Ukraine money pit, close the border to human traffickers by finishing former President Trump’s wall, stop printing play money, remove George Soros’ culture-infecting minions, make America independent in vital resources and manufacturing and realize that if the world goes all-electric, one mighty solar flare could kill the grid. Then we’d have no electric vehicles, no computers and no plan. It would do in everyone except those still living in the Stone Age.

Awaken, people of the world. Thank Joe for leading you out of your slumber before we all have to face the consequences of his manufactured folly.


Grand Junction, Colorado 

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