- The Washington Times - Friday, October 28, 2022

Elon Musk has taken over Twitter and fired the company’s top executives. Democrats are down in the polls — they “agonize” about their midterm chances, as NBC News put it. President Biden’s approval ratings are low, very low. All’s beginning to be right with the world.

These are the natural consequences of a far-left grab at individual liberties, constitutionally guaranteed rights and U.S. sovereignty and a globalist quest to kill off American exceptionalism. This is what happens when Democrats go too far — as they always do. The pendulum swings hard the other way. And boy, is that pendulum poised to sweep.

“Mark Zuckerberg has lost more than half his net worth this year as Meta stock tanks,” NBC News wrote

That piece went on to state how the Facebook founder still has about $36 billion to his name — but that’s a fraction of the $200 billion Musk banks. Ha. 

For Democrats, for tech gods, for bureaucrats who jump into bed with globalists and abandon pro-America principles for Marxist and China influences, the time has come to pay the piper.

“The bird is freed,” Mr. Musk tweeted, on the heels of his $44 billion acquisition of Twitter.

Indeed. And that has leftists quivering. After all, if the censors of social media can’t stop stories about Hunter Biden in their tracks, or cut out narratives that counter the go-big-or-go-home coronavirus clampdown tyrants of the left, how can Democrats possibly win elections?

Mr. Biden’s method is lying. 

For instance, the president just claimed the average price per gallon of gas was over $5 when he took office in January 2021, and $3.39 in late October 2022. Even his own White House couldn’t let that one pass. Neither could mainstream media. 

“Biden’s claim about average gasoline prices was false, as the White House acknowledged,” CNN wrote

Lyin’ Biden. 

He also tried to sell a false claim about the 3.7% unemployment rate, calling it “the lowest in 50 — more than 50 — years.” Nope. Not true. Not even to CNN.

“Facts First,” CNN wrote in a subhead, followed by this text: “The 3.7% unemployment rate … was lower than 3.7% — either 3.6% or 3.5% — nine times in 2019 and early 2020, during former President Donald Trump’s tenure.”

Ouch. Oops. Caught with pie on the face for the pie-in-the-sky lies. So if Democrats can’t even get by with lying these days, what’s that leave ‘em to do?

In a word: Suffer.

Here comes the red wave. Here comes the backlash against social media stifling of free expression. Here comes a Republican-dominated Congress and Republican-dominated state executive offices, to soon be followed by a Republican in the White House.

“Democrats about to get spanked,” The Daily Wire posted in one particularly brutal headline from June. 

Not much has changed over the months.

Thing is, you can’t keep a good American down. Patriots and parents alike have joined forces to push back the powers who’ve taken too much, who’ve stolen too much, and who show no signs of quitting. The inflation rate is horrible. Gas and food prices are stretching pocketbooks thin. Energy costs are about to skyrocket, and winter’s on its way. Drag shows are corrupting our children; teachers unions are dumbing down our nation; and Democrats can’t get it through their heads that abortion isn’t the be-all and end-all of issues for most American voters. Neither is climate change — particularly when leftists are trying to link climate change to every human activity on Warth, as a means of exerting more control over the people. Even Iran is bucking its system, for crying out loud.

Yes, the cry for freedom grows loud.

Democrats have had their heyday. They’ve had their moment in the sun. So, too, the Great Reset elitists. And take a look at polls; take a listen to even mainstream media pundits; take a moment to hear the desperation in the strained voices of Democrats who know they’re about to go down in electoral flames. It’s happening.

Democrats, leftists, Marxists who’ve made great inroads in recent Biden administration times are about to get their comeuppance. 

Americans, in just a few short days, are about to collect on their founding promise of God-given rights. 

All’s beginning to be right with the world.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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