- The Washington Times - Wednesday, October 26, 2022

President Biden, while receiving yet another COVID-19 shot from his White House Medical Unit staff, advised all of America to do the same — and not just now, but every year. Annual COVID-19 shots. Why?

Big Pharma and Bill Gates gotta make their money, dontcha know.

This is Biden’s umpteenth shot. He would’ve received it earlier but, as The Associated Press noted, he “had to delay getting [this] booster, in accordance with federal health guidance, because he was infected with COVID-19 over the summer.”


Isn’t that what the shot was supposed to prevent? As a side note, that’s why they’re called shots, not vaccines.

Anyhow, Biden didn’t test positive for COVID over the summer just once. No. That happened twice. Both times after receiving the shots, too.

“President Biden tested positive for the coronavirus again,” Stat News wrote on July 30. 

Biden, who is vaccinated and has received two boosters, is not starting any Covid treatments at this time,” Stat News wrote on July 30.

Biden, 79, first tested positive on July 21, and after a mild case, tested negative this past Tuesday … but tested positive again Saturday morning,” State News wrote on July 30.

But get the shot, Biden says now.

“I’m calling on all Americans … to get their shot, just as soon as they can,” Biden just said, AP reported.

It’s not to stop the spread of the coronavirus. The shot won’t keep you from getting the coronavirus. Neither will it keep you from giving the coronavirus to others.

But get the shot, Biden says nonetheless.

“Get vaccinated,” he just said, AP wrote. “Not enough people are getting it.”

This, too, after Biden himself declared in September during a “60 Minutes” television interview that “the pandemic is over.”

No matter.

There are shots to be sold.

There are nonstop coronavirus fears to keep selling and exploiting for political and financial gain.

“For most Americans,” Biden just said, AP wrote, “one COVID shot each year will be all they need. And if you get it, you’ll be protected. And if you don’t, you’re putting yourself and other people at unnecessary risk.”

That’s not true.

That’s actually an outright untruth.

An estimated 80% of Americans have received at least one dose of the COVID shot; more than 68% of Americans are considered fully vaccinated, according to recently updated figures from Our World in Data.

And we now know that the risk of dying or becoming hospitalized from the coronavirus, or its various variants, is extremely low for almost all populations; the high-risk groups continue to be the elderly and those with certain other health issues.

Then there’s all the natural immunity that’s been floating around from all the millions who were coronavirus-positive and coronavirus-recovered — you know, the natural immunity the medical bureaucrats like to pretend doesn’t exist. 

And what of the Florida surgeon general’s warning against sticking COVID-19 shot needles into the arms of kids? Don’t do it, said Joseph Ladapo, a doctor.

“The Florida Department of Health is going to be the first state to officially recommend against the Covid-19 vaccines for healthy children,” Ladapo said in March.

Myocarditis is a big concern.

Not to everybody, it seems.

Biden also called on Congress to provide the billions of dollars the administration has requested to buy additional vaccines, tests and treatments,” AP wrote. 

The request is for $20 billion in new coronavirus-tied funding.

For a “pandemic” that has “ended,” as Biden said.

For shots that don’t stop the spread of the coronavirus.

For shots that can’t even keep boosted, boosted, boosted and more boosted Biden himself from catching the coronavirus.

And here’s a kicker for those who’ve been following the political exploitation of the coronavirus for years: Biden said that people need to get these shots now, before winter hits and everybody spends more time indoors — where they can more easily spread the virus. Can you say lockdown? It was the Team Biden’s medical crackpots and the tyrants in the Democrat Party who booted Americans off the streets, out of the parks, off the beaches, out of the fresh air — and into their homes — for months and months on end, all the while insisting the way to “beat” the virus was to stay indoors and away from others.

The left will never let this coronavirus go.

It’s far too lucrative for their dictatorial designs, their globalist desires and their pocketbooks and pockets.

Don’t believe it?

Biden already said as much.

The AP opening lines: “Biden rolled up his sleeve and got his updated COVID-19 booster shot Tuesday, as he urged millions of people who have yet to be boosted to do so by Halloween, if possible, so they can gather safely with family and friends this holiday season.”

That’s not just a prodding statement of concern.

That’s a subtle threat.

Get the shot — get the booster — get the booster every year — get your kids the shots each and every year, as well — or face another round of lockdowns.

Democrats will never, never, ever allow the tool of the coronavirus to be put back in the shed. It’s the big black boot of control that keeps on kicking.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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