I read the excellent recent op-ed by Michael McKenna and thought an additional point should be made (“An open letter to President Biden,” Web, Oct. 21). Under Canon Law 751, Mr. Biden has committed the sin of heresy, which is defined as “the obstinate denial or obstinate doubt after the reception of baptism of some truth which is to be believed by divine and Catholic faith …” 

The church’s teaching on abortion is unequivocal, and Mr. Biden’s denial of that truth is heresy. Under Canon 1364, Mr. Biden should be excommunicated latae sententiae, or automatically without trial. Likewise, his persistent actions to overrule all laws restricting abortion by federal legislation can be seen as the equivalent of “procuring” abortion, which, under Canon 1398, would also result in excommunication latae sententiae.

Mr. Biden is the ultimate hypocrite. He claims to be a “good Catholic” as he carries his rosary beads and receives Communion at Mass — then publicly denounces a clear and unequivocal teaching of the church. Hypocrisy is one of the sins specifically condemned by Christ in Scripture. Perhaps Mr. Biden should reread those passages and participate in the sacrament of penance.


McLean, Virginia

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