- The Washington Times - Monday, October 24, 2022

With the Democrat party in full, fiery conflagration two weeks before the midterm elections, now is a good time to take a quick peek at the party’s leaders — present and future.

President Biden just sat in the White House to tell a male human dressed as a female human that both “as a moral question and a legal question,” neither state governments nor parents should be allowed to protect a child from doctors seeking to perform genital mutilation surgery or chemical castration of that child — a barbaric practice we don’t even perform on convicted rapists. 

The president of the United States. An elected public figure. Sitting in the White House. Two weeks before an election. 

This is insane.

No wonder the guy was so eager to hand over the women of Afghanistan and billions of dollars in U.S. military equipment to the Taliban. Mr. Biden and the Taliban all fervently embrace the genital mutilation of children.

This is one of those moments that will forever define a tragic time in history.

So, how about Mr. Biden’s vice president? Let’s just ask Mr. Biden himself.

“She has a backbone like a ramrod,” said Mr. Biden, wandering around outside, looking rather lost.

“There isn’t any public figure that is, you know, 60% favorable ratings,” he added lamely. “I mean, you know, most of — and — but — she’s doing a great job.”

Among other things, Kamala Harris is Mr. Biden’s “border czar.”

Third in line for Democrats is House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who is somehow even older than Mr. Biden yet still manages at times to sound less insane than Mr. Biden or his vice president.

Asked on Sunday about the crushing inflation that is impoverishing Americans at rates we have not seen in 40 years, Mrs. Pelosi explained her party’s political strategy: “We have to change that subject!”

Points for honesty.

All of Washington celebrated when Mrs. Pelosi became the first female speaker of the House. Hopefully, Washington will give equal time to the historic moment when Mrs. Pelosi becomes the first woman in American history to lose the speaker’s gavel — twice.

OK, so the ghosts of the Democrat Party Present are pretty bleak. Let’s not dwell on the ghosts of the Democrat Party Past — since most of them are still wearing pointy white hoods.

Instead, let’s take a glimpse at the ghosts of the Democrat Party Future.

Down in Georgia, Stacey Abrams is running again for governor. For years, we have been told that she is the future of the party. In a friendly interview last week, she was asked to explain her platform for addressing the economic misery facing Georgia voters amid skyrocketing gas prices, inflation and mortgage rates.

Her answer? Kill your children before they are born.

“Let’s be clear,” Ms. Abrams said. “Having children is why you’re worried about your price for gas. It’s why you’re concerned about how much food costs.”

This is insane. And evil.

No wonder there is such a rage these days over the new television biopic of Jeffrey Dahmer. This entire Democrat party is led by literal serial killers.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez at least has the decency to wipe the blood of children from her mouth when she speaks in public. But her street cred and status as a rock star have faded badly.

Last week, she was confronted by an auditorium full of angry ex-supporters demanding to know why she had sold out to the Democrat war machine in Ukraine. Also, why has she and her party inflicted so much economic misery on the very people she promised to help.

She did not say this, of course, but the truth is that this economic misery is precisely the economic utopia Ms. Ocasio-Cortez and her Democrat party have been promising for years.

Out in Oregon — one of the most advanced Democrat utopias in America — Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler finally surrendered.

For years, Mr. Wheeler has employed in his city all the very best practices Democrats can come up with. The result has been a 50% jump in homelessness and an 83% spike in homicide. Today, the once-beautiful city features 700 homeless camps, which would more accurately be called open drug markets, street corner sex dives and sidewalk bathrooms without walls.

Flanked by an American flag and a gay flag, Mr. Wheeler announced the city had finally had enough of the terrible Democrat policies that are destroying his city — and the country.

“The magnitude and the depth of the homeless crisis in our city is nothing short of a humanitarian catastrophe,” he said Friday. “Collectively, this is a vortex of misery for all involved.”

As bleak as the future of the Democrat party may be, there may be a glimmer of hope for the future of America.

• Charles Hurt is the opinion editor at The Washington Times.

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