- The Washington Times - Saturday, October 22, 2022

Sen. John Kennedy, Louisiana Republican, said on a recent media appearance that President Biden’s policies have “tainted, almost defiled, the American Dream.”

How true.

Biden’s furtherance of an agenda that elevates the do-nothings while suppressing the will and drive of the doers is leaving America in a state of supreme suffering.

“Under President Biden’s policies, it’s harder than ever to get ahead in our country, and it’s easier than ever to do nothing,” Kennedy said.

Let us count the ways.

Inflation is at record highs — meaning, those who have to buy their own groceries and put their own food on the table are having a much harder time stretching their dollars. Today’s dollar is worth less than last year’s dollar in terms of real buying power. 

“[T]oday’s prices are 1.16 times higher than average prices since 2019, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics consumer price index,” the In2013Dollars.com website reported.

Gas costs have been on a steady and oft-rapid upswing since 2020, when Biden first took office — meaning, those who have to drive to work are paying more for their morning and evening commutes.

Energy prices are predicted to soar this winter, and consumers are expected to pay up to 28% more to heat their homes, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration — meaning, those who pay independently for their housing costs, and who do not rely on subsidies and Section 8 and other government assistance programs will have to hunker down and huddle together.

The Northeast, largely heated by oil, will be hit the hardest. But then again, that’s probably called “just due.” It is the Northeast where Democrats and their climate change alarmist ways find lots of love; perhaps a winter of chattery teeth and indoor layering will snap them out of their brain fogs and drive them to vote smarter next time.

Still, higher heating costs are higher heating costs, no matter which way the political pendulum swings. It’s yet one more burden on the backs of American workers — the doers of the nation.

Not so much for the ne’er do wells who comprise most of the Democrats’ current voter rolls, however.

That’s because handouts to do-nothings are in vogue these days. Democrats have opened the borders wide to illegals; paid these illegals’ way to hotels and housing; provided these illegals with free legal counseling — in case any of those mean ol’ mama bear Republicans come along and try to enforce border laws; and sent their minion at the Homeland Security top, Alejandro Mayorkas, to tell lies through the media about racist, whip-brandishing border agents.

Democrats have told college kids they don’t have to pay off their student loans and have tapped taxpayer pockets to pay for this outrageous debt cancellation scheme. Little mentioned, but nearly as significant: Taxpayers are also being forced to pay the legal fees the Biden administration is busily incurring from all the legal challenges to this student loan forgiveness program.

What kind of messages are being sent to society? That contracts don’t have to be honored. That those who work hard and save money are putzes. That those who cry loud enough and long enough will be rewarded for their petulance. That college is really a joke — a place for the undeserving to hide out and party at taxpayer expense. That this administration, this batch of Democrats, this Democratic Party is all about the vote-buying, nothing about the Constitution, even less about the concept of moral governance.

Social justice and climate change are the top concerns for all of Biden’s Cabinet and agencies. He said as much, even during his campaign days. A Transportation Department that actually deals with transportation? A Department of Justice that actually serves as an enforcer of blind justice? A Department of Defense that actually exists to ensure America’s military is prepared to fight — to fight and win? Don’t be silly. 

“Through Justice40, DOT will work to … fight climate change,” Transportation.gov writes.

“Justice Department Launches Comprehensive Environmental Justice Strategy,” Justice.gov writes.

“DOD Announces Plan to Tackle Climate Crisis,” Defense.gov writes. And even more recently — this month: “DOD, Other Agencies Release Climate Adaptation Progress Reports,” Defense.gov writes.

All that’s to say: America, under Biden, is indeed suffering. But all that’s to say, too — there are bigger elephants in the room. Their names are China, Russia, Iran, North Korea. 

It’s bad enough this president is feckless on domestic matters. But his inability to stand strong, or even present an image of strength, fabricated or not, is seriously putting America in danger. 

“U.S. military ranked ‘weak’ for first time: Heritage Foundation report,” Fox News wrote in a recent headline.

Why so weak?

Among the issues, Heritage cited a lack of funding, “poorly defined priorities” and a “profound lack of seriousness across the national security establishment.”

The do-nothings have taken control and they’re more concerned about forcing military members to take the COVID-19 shots and about training troops to use gender-neutral language that doesn’t offend, they’ve alienated the cream of the fighting crop.

It’s one thing to embrace and elevate lazy bottom feeders in civil society and promote the interests of socialists and collectivists and outright Marxists who only exist to steal from others. It’s another thing to push that mindset into the military. Society is in a free-wheeling free-fall right now, courtesy of the Biden White House, and midterms loom as the only quick stop so sane Americans can catch a breath, regroup and regain some ground.

To vote Democrat these days is to push America over the ledge.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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