- The Washington Times - Thursday, October 20, 2022

Eric Schmitt, attorney general in Missouri, is helping to lead a 19-state investigation into six U.S. financial firms that are tied to the United Nations’ Net-Zero Banking Alliance, a global entity that basically tells businesses to get on board with the radical environmental agenda, or close doors. Yay, Team A.G.

It’s the United Nations’ way of taking over America’s free market, one willing, complicit bank at a time. Moreover, it’s the left’s particular tool of evil; using freedom to achieve slavery. 

And that’s exactly what the whole ESG movement is about: enslaving the masses for the wills of the few.

The environmental, social governance, or ESG, agendas have been weaving with alarming frequency into America’s supposed free market, and it’s high time, past time, actually, that those in power push back with effectiveness. Cue Schmitt and this multi-state investigation. Locking out the banks from doing business in the states would certainly qualify as an effective strategy.

From Schmitt, in a written statement: “The Net-Zero Banking Alliance is a massive worldwide agreement by major banking institutions, overseen by the U.N., to star e companies engaged in fossil fuel-related activities of credit on national and international markets.”

That’s frightening.

That’s not just an attempted manipulation of America’s free market.

It’s an attack on American sovereignty itself.

And the fact that banks that do business in America are part of this scheme — part of this globalist agenda — is outrageous. They make their money off capitalistic systems, then turn around and attack the capitalistic system that made them wealthy. Why? Fear. Fear and greed.

The involved players are Bank of America, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan Chase, Morgan Stanley and Wells Fargo. And they’re either of the impression that radical climate change agendas are inevitable, so their best bet for survival is to get aboard, and get aboard quick — the fear element. Or they’re already on board with the radical climate change agenda and want to exploit the existing systems and models, like the United Nations, to block competitors from joining in the gold rush of Green regulatory controls — the greed angle.

But not so fast.

Attorneys general to the rescue.

“We are leading a coalition investigating banks for ceding authority to the U.N., which will only result in the killing of American companies that don’t subscribe to the woke, climate agenda,” Schmitt said. “These banks are accountable to American laws — we don’t let the international bodies set the standards for our businesses.”

Schmitt and 18 other attorneys general have issued demands, “which act as a subpoena,” to the six companies, for information related to their work with the U.N. alliance. Texas, Arizona and Kentucky are actually leading the charge with Missouri; the other states joining the investigation are Arkansas, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Tennessee and Virginia, as well as five states that are remaining unnamed due to confidentiality laws.

The investigation comes on the heels of Missouri’s pull of $500 million of state employees’ retirement investments from Larry Fink’s BlackRock in response to the asset manager’s similarly pro-global ESG demands of its investors. 

America’s free market is not yet dead.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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