The Cato Institute filed a lawsuit against the Department of Education, alleging President Joe Biden’s plans to erase student loans violates taxpayer rights.
Absolutely correct. This is a cut-and-dry instance of Peter getting screwed to pay off Paul’s loans.
Why should those who’ve paid, worked hard to pay, or are still working hard to pay off student debt suffer for the laziness and whininess of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez look-alike losers?
Or, as Cato CEO Peter Goettler put it: “Forcing taxpayers to pick up the tab for other people’s college loans is bad policy, but in the case of President Biden’s order, it is also illegal because neither President Biden nor the Department of Education has the power to cancel student loans without congressional authorization,” The Hill reported.
Just this week, Team Biden opened its Education Department website doors for millions in America to apply for loan forgiveness of up to $10,000 for those who earn less than $125,000 per year and up to $20,000 for those who are part of the Pell Grant program. Those who are paying off debt from private lenders are excluded from the forgiveness program — but only because other entities have already filed lawsuits that would have convoluted the process of debt cancellation due to state tax policies.
More than 8 million have applied for the free money.
And by free, of course, it’s meant tax-paid.
“CBO estimates Biden’s student debt plan could cost $400 billion over 30 years,” PBS wrote in a late September headline.
Eh. Whatever. What’s a few billion here when it could oh so helpfully gain some Democratic voters there, right?
Just as illegals skirt the conditions required of those who enter this country legally, and in so doing, cheat the system, so, too, the scumbags taking advantage of this political giveaway. After all, if you’re one of the millions of citizens who worked hard to pay for college, even to the point of paying, paying, paying years and years and years after graduation, then the question is: Where’s the refund?
Crickets on that.
This money is for those who haven’t done their time, put in their work, or honored their commitments. Democrats hope they’ll become their new batch of faithful voters — at least, at the very least, this November. Socialists like AOC hope this will become the new way of doing college business in America — free for all! — at least, at the very least, until the money runs out and college becomes meaningless.
And Biden hopes people hurry and take advantage — at least, at the very least, before November; at least, at the very least, before the courts slap back the egregious and likely unconstitutional redistribution of tax dollars.
“Any borrower who has already received forgiveness will likely get to keep it, even if the courts [later] block the president’s plan,” said Mark Kantrowitz, a higher education expert quoted by CNBC.
Yes. Rush and get your free money now — before it’s found out the free money giveaway is utterly illegal. In the end, Democrats care little for lawful versus unlawful, even less for moral versus immoral. Their goal is political wins. And if it means dipping into Peter’s pockets to pay for Paul’s obligations — obligations that were freely accepted and willingly embraced — well then, so be it. Democrats don’t have agendas that win elections. They have to resort to sleazy schemes.
It’s all about buying the next round of votes.
• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.
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